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In the amber hues of a rustic morn,
A tale unfolds of a horse adorned.
Coat of earth, a tapestry brown,
A creature of grace in meadows, renowned.

With eyes that gleam like chestnut gold,
A spirit untamed, a tale to be told.
Hooves that echo on the soil's embrace,
A dance with nature, a sovereign grace.

Through sunlit fields and shadows cast,
The brown horse roams, a free soul vast.
Mane, a cascade, like autumn's breeze,
Whispers secrets among ancient trees.

In valleys where the wildflowers bloom,
The horse gallops, dispelling gloom.
A symphony woven with each stride,
In the heart of nature, where dreams abide.

A fusion of earth and the sun's warm kiss,
The brown horse moves in rhythmic bliss.
A creature of the meadows and untamed air,
In its presence, we find solace rare.

Majestic against the canvas of the day,
The brown horse, an emblem of the open way.
Hills and valleys, an equestrian rhyme,
A saga written with hooves, marking time.

In the amber glow of twilight's embrace,
The brown horse slows its tireless race.
Gentle whispers in the zephyr's embrace,
A serenade of nature, a tranquil space.

Man and beast in silent communion,
A dance beneath the moonlit reunion.
A bond unspoken, woven in fur,
A symbiotic essence, pure and sure.

Through seasons changing, a steadfast friend,
The brown horse's journey has no end.
In winter's chill or summer's heat,
A companion in the meadows, fleet.

Oh, noble steed, a creature brown,
A spirit untamed, a gem to crown.
In the equestrian tapestry of lore,
The brown horse gallops evermore.

With every hoofbeat, a tale unfolds,
Of meadows traversed and stories untold.
In the symphony of hooves on earth,
Resides the magic of the horse's rebirth.

A creature of strength, resilience, and might,
In the golden glow of morning light.
The brown horse stands, a regal force,
A living poem, a majestic horse.

A/N : this is a poetry about one of my horses , her name is Murga

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