Chapter 19

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My heart thumped against my chest. The thoughts of the younger twin had my head in such a bind that I had no clue what next to do with myself. It left me in fear that I was becoming more and more like Nene by the day. She would tell me silly things about men. Like, "I may be engaged but that doesn't mean I can't enjoy fine art."

Moments like those with her always had me shocked. I still couldn't believe that out of all of the nobles out there in the world, the imperial family chose me to be at her side. I was incredibly grateful. The future empress most certainly lit up the eyes of those around her. It would make sense, of course, that she is the Princess of the Sun kingdom. Not for much longer though. 

I had made a mistake when I let my words slip out about Tsukasa. That moment was something I wanted to keep on more of the private side, but the Princess was ever so persuasive with her words..."If you don't tell me what's on your mind right now I'm going to take this book and throw it at you!" She huffed at me that day with the meanest face I had seen on her.

She didn't lie.

I sat there on the garden chair, rubbing the side of my thigh where the princess did indeed throw a large book at me due to my neglect to tell her my thoughts. I know she did it because she was my friend, but my leg still hurt...

Today was my day off, so I decided to enjoy my time in the garden where a certain someone came to take breaks often. Not to talk to him, but to just stare. It was hard not to for sure. I sighed lazily while turning the page of the book I was reading once again "The Boy Who Cried Blood". Remembering the times he was so close to me while reaching for the book that I hadn't even considered the situation at the time.

Or even the time when he held my hand so delicately while his other hand graced my waist as we danced together in practice. Or when he-

"What are you reading?" A voice interrupted my thoughts. I had been so consumed by them that I didn't realize that someone was approaching me at the bench. I looked up at those starry eyes, so sharp as he looked down at me with a smile. "Ooh, you look good in red."

My face erupted in flames, as I don't think he had ever been so blunt with me before.

"Your face looks good in red too." He chuckled while sitting down with me in the other chair. He looked over to his butler and waved his hand to grab us some tea. 

"Is red your favorite color?" I asked, raising my hands to my cheeks hoping to hide them. I hadn't even intentionally picked out this dress today, it was just something modern and light, and not nearly as extravagant as what Nene would have me wear if I was at her side.

Tsukasa rested his chin in the palm of his hands while he flipped through the pages of the book I was reading, without actually paying attention to them of course. "Yeah, you can say that." He hummed out.

"Why?" I asked. I also remembered that red roses were one of his favorites to look at as well. My hands laid themselves on my lap silently as I stared at the handsome boy, waiting for him to answer.

Tsukasa paused and placed the book down flat. I was upset I lost my page but I was sure I could find it again later. His smile fell slightly, as if he didn't want to say, but didn't want to lie either. "It's the color of blood." He started. The way he spoke out sent chills down my spine. As if he had seen it too many times. "Something everyone has in common. But the reason doesn't relate to you..." He said looking at the other side of the garden. He was trying to hide the red coming upon his face.

Natsuhiko placed a tea set down on the garden table and stepped to the side to let us enjoy.

The prince and I stayed in silence as I prepared our tea. Three sugar in mine, and one in his. Tsukasa's eyes watched my hands the whole time while I was reaching for the spoon. Like he was mesmerized by the movements.

The wind shuffled our clothes and caused my hair to flow in front of my face. The one time I had my hair down and this is what happened?

Before I knew it, Tsukasa had stood up and had taken off his glove, moving his hand so gently while preventing my hair from going in my face any longer. "I love you." He said.

I stared at him in pure awe.

"And I will keep saying it until I get an answer back." His hand fell and returned to his side as he sat back down. The boy took hold of his tea and took a sip, eyes still on my surprised face the entire time. "Sweet," He said. I couldn't tell if he was talking about the tea, or me.

I could see Natsuhiko struggling to keep a straight face in the whole situation, and I almost laughed at him because of his bad attempt.

I stood up from the table and walked quietly towards the flowers, suddenly taking a deep breath for courage "I will give you an answer Tsukasa." I said, dropping honorifics and turning around to face him with a smile. "If you can get it out of me."

His face lit up and I could practically see a tail wagging. "Is that a challenge?" He said daringly "I will win. I always get what I want."

We started laughing with each other as the wind continued to move forward, carrying the scent of sweet tea along with it.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20 ⏰

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