Chapter 16

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I cover my mouth in embarrassment and I grip onto Tsukasa's sleeve a bit tighter.

We spoke of nothing but it was late at night and he was about to leave me alone in my own house which terrified me. I had shown him my old library and yet again we spent an hour or two there. Me reading. And him watching. He had no paperwork with him so there was nothing to do. We decided to say goodnight but I found myself reaching out for him. This is why I'm in this situation. He hadn't turned back to question me yet but I could see that he looked up to the ceiling.

"Let's go talk to your father." He said out of the blue.


What Tsukasa says, Tsukasa does. He shifted his hand so that mine were no longer holding his sleeve, but he was holding my hand. And with this simple movement and a smile, my world came crashing down.

He swiftly guided me through my old home. Almost reminding me of what I had to go through here in complete solitude. But his grip on my hand reminded me that he was here.

And with the push of his hand, my fathers softly lit office was revealed in all of its glory. My father looked maliciously at a letter in his hand while he took a sip of wine.

His eyes then moved up from the paper in slight surprise as he swung the liquid in the wineglass around in a circle.

"Greetings your highness of the moon, daughter." He greeted the both of us with the nod of his head.

I went to bow to my father but Tsukasa squeezed my hand and gave me a sharp look.

"Lord Azon, surely you have time to speak to me regarding your daughter?" Tsukasa's glare moved over to my bastard father.

His eyes blinked once, twice, and then his mouth turned into an amused smile. "Of course! Have you come to approve of my offer? Is that why she is here now? Goodness she looked so much like her mother I'm sure she's to act like her as well. That wench."

I flinched and took a step back at the word. I wasn't like my mother. Not that I knew of. I only knew her when I was little. I think my mother was the reason my father is so money hungry today. Because she herself yearned for nothing but money.

"Your daughter is nothing less than beautiful." I grew speechless at what the younger prince had said. He didn't falter in any way shape or form in his speech. He was unwilting.

My own father looked at the prince in awe. "Beautiful? You must be mistaken. But no matter. What is it you are here for?"

"You will not have your daughter back." Tsukasa's face contorted with smugness and pride. "She will be fully registered under the royal name as of one month from now, for she will be serving the future queen permanently under my name. Show respect for the royal household you fiend. She is of higher power now so I expect for you to be at her beck and call whenever she sees fit."

My heart clenched at this new information. He had been so different this morning that it made me concerned. Had he just been thinking about this moment? Had he been planning this all along?

He took my breath away.

"My-my prince you don't mean the royal family has taken a liking to my daughter? Perhaps we could negotiate a price for marriage?"

Tsukasa spat in disgust. "There will be no money that would be exchanged if she were to marry as it would be the place of her own decision." His fist landed on the table creating a 'bang'.

My father jumped and fell out of his chair, spilling red wine all over a nice suite. He wiped his face off from the liquid as he eyed the two of us. His mouth lay open as he was helpless on the floor.

The younger prince took the fallen glass that was on the desk. He then threw it to the floor next to my father "Know your place." Tsukasa said.

I now believed what all of the maids had told me. Tsukasa was indeed violent. He was violent with his expressions. If looks could kill he'd be the murderer of many.

He took my hand and stormed out of the room. I could see his eyes soften when he looked at me but when he looked away it was almost as if he had the eyes of a mean cat.

The hand I held with my own was warm as I gave it a tight squeeze in thanks. I was indeed grateful for what he had done for me today. Something that I wanted to do for the longest time with no repercussions of any sort.

Talk down to my father.

"Erm..." The cat boy began to scratch the back of his head.

I giggled. Knowing full well what he was confused about. "You're lost aren't you?"

"What? No.........yes."

My head flipped back in a howl of laughter. Tsukasa himself was smiling at his ridiculousness.

How could he memorize the halls of a castle but not the halls of a mere estate?

"Here, let's go to the garden." I was now the one leading him in the halls. The memories at all
Of my years sufficed in finding where to go. "It's nothing special. Most of the plants here are probably dead."

I opened the doors and to my surprise the garden was like any other. Flowers in rows and pavilions in the middle. "Oh my-"

Tsukasa wakes around the garden. Poking a flower every so often. "It is nothing special compared to the castle's garden."

I shook my head, eyebrows raised. "It's rude to compare."

"Didn't you?" He retorted quickly. I placed a hand over my mouth in surprise. I did, didn't I?

Soon enough the prince got close to me. He stepped towards me swiftly and took my hands in his.

"(Y/n). I love you. "
original release date: April 16th., 2021

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