Chapter 10

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"Ouch!" I whined out. Those maids were back at it again with their pestering. Tabitha had brought more of her friends this time. The other maids were the ones laughing but this was the first time she had taken her bullying to a physical level. They all looked like they were carrying laundry today so they must've been in the middle of some tasks.

"Listen girls!" She laughed while tugging at my hair. "She sounds like a dog too!" The girls around Tabitha broke out into a fit of giggles at her statement.

I hadn't done anything wrong. Sir Kou had told me he heard the maids whispering to themselves in the kitchen. They talked about my mother not being a born noble, and decided that was a good enough excuse to pester me. Putting myself on a lower level than them.

I was thankful for having a friend like Sir Kou. But because of all of the happenings and rumors, even Nene was starting to get wind of it. I could tell. This morning she couldn't look me in the eye.

Tabitha's hold on my hair tightened and she tugged it harshly. She said she wanted to brush it out for me. She didn't really give me a chance to reject her offer because her hand already ran through it.

"That's enough ladies." A strong, but scary voice caused them to hold their breaths. Only a couple seconds later was their attention diverted to the well known pretty boy of the knights.

"Sir Teru!" They all squealed. Many maids rushed past me, leaving me on the ground with teared, swollen eyes. Because of the new appearance, I scrambled to get my hair back into a proper state.

"Yes yes, hello." He smiled to the maids while trying to squeeze past them. Once I realized he was coming towards me, I quickly wiped my tears away, and composed myself. Sir Teru held his hand out for me to take and the maids behind him fell silent. "Are you alright my lady?" He asked me. Worry evident in his eyes.

"Ah..." I held back my sniff and forced a smile. "Yes, I'm quite alright..." With the sir's help, I stood up from the ground and dusted the skirt of my dress.

The girls began to squeak and bite their handkerchiefs in jealousy. "He is even nice to a dog! What a prince he is." They all dreamed.

I wanted to scream at them. But that wouldn't be very ladylike of me to do so.

"Ladies, don't you have things to tend to? I myself need to tend to lady (Y/n) here." He spat out. He didn't seem to like them. He had known. I already knew from the moment he helped me up that he had known of my situation.

The girls squealed at the fact that he even talked to them. Ignoring that fact that he said it rudely. They all began to walk down the hallway, talking amongst each other about the 'prince' like knight.

Once they turned a corner, sir Teru and I sighed in relief. There were only a mere few moments of silence to bask in until Sir Teru spoke up again. "The emperor wants to speak to you. He ordered me here to escort you personally." His figures turned around to face me, and he smiled.

I gawked at the knights words. The emperor wanted to see me? I started to stumble over my words, trying to find something to say. Teru only chuckled.

"This way my lady."

I fiddled with my hands on the way to the emperor's throne room. I knew he had yet to see me since the family had bought me, but why so suddenly? Didn't meetings with the emperor need to be scheduled?

My heart dropped to my stomach. He wanted to talk about my mother. The rumors had reached his own ears. My heart then speaks up due to nervousness as I held onto the sleeves of my dress. Holding myself, hoping for some kind of protection.

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