Chapter 5

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I bounced happily through the hallway with one of my new dresses on. It had been a week since we bought those dresses and I still hadn't gotten through them all. It was unexpected for me to find them all placed in my closet accordingly the next morning.

I was thankful for the princess's generosity. She's an excellent friend and I didn't doubt that she would rule this country with purpose.

I had been by my princess's side all day, and luckily for me, she had fallen asleep. At times like these, I liked to take some time for myself and sneak away to the palace library.

The door to the library creaked open while I pushed lightly on it. The lights of the palace hallways were as dim as the library room. So for a safety measure, I brought a small candle with me.

The fire of the candle swerved right and left as I took each step to place the light on the stand next to my favorite seat. Although the room was dark, I wasn't scared. I was very familiar with the layout of the large room so I skipped happily over to the fiction section.

"What to read today..." I whispered to myself. My eyes landed on a book that was just out of my reach. I was too frightened to jump because I couldn't see my footing due to my dress. Plus, jumping wasn't ladylike at all.

At that moment, I heard a cough come from the other side of the room and I froze. Who was here this late? The royals didn't stay up at this hour and all of the maids should have been in their rooms by now.

With caution, I crept silently towards the direction of the cough. Another candle was lit and placed next to a chair. But the boy reading a book had eyes so bright that it seemed he didn't need it anyway.

From my knowledge, prince Amane was already sleeping soundly in his chambers. So this must've been-

"Who's there? Show yourself. I heard you come in." His light but intimidating voice shocked me into answering.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't know someone else was in here. Excuse my intrusion." I walked up in front of the prince and Curtsied.

His eyes scanned up and down my body uncomfortably before he shut his book and placed it down. His fingers ran through his jet black hair as he sighed. "Oh. It's just you. Very well then. You may carry on with what you were doing. Just don't make noise. I can't focus on these documents if you're loud."

I stood back up and nodded at his request but I had noticed something. He was tall. Taller than me at least. My feet stayed planted on the ground in front of him as I gained enough courage to speak to the prince about my problem. "Uhm.."

His eyes that were strayed away towards his documents landed on my figure once again. "What?" He said aggravated.

"I'm sorry for interrupting, but can I ask a favor of you?" I smiled nervously at him as his head tilted. He gave me a scoff before his face turned smug. His whole completion said 'who even are you to ask me of something?' But the young prince had said nothing about it so I continued. "You see, I'm not very tall. There's a book over there that I had seen but it's just out of my reach. And from the looks of it, you are at least taller than I am. Can you please grab it for me? I will take it and retreat to my room so that I won't bug you anymore afterward."

The prince blinked his eyes before nodding his head lightly. Did he expect me to ask something different? "Where is it?" He asked. His hands were placed into his pockets comfortably and he waited for me to guide him.

"Ah. It's right this way." With each step I took, my dress swayed and my heart pounded harder. The princes were very similar but they couldn't be more different. When I had first met Prince Tsukasa, he was bold and unafraid because of the title he held. He did not hesitate to force me to look up at him when he wanted me to. With Prince Amane, I think he's proper and knows etiquette more than his brother does. Prince Amane would also be too shy to force someone to look at him with his brute strength and would want to get to know them first.

I had drifted too far into my thoughts to realize I had arrived at my destination. When the Prince's voice stood out, it made me come back to reality. "So it's up there? That's not so hard." The prince only stretched his arm up a little to grab a hold of the golden covered book. He readjusted himself properly once it was in his grasp with a sigh. He let his eyes roam a bit over the title. "The boy who cried blood? What a strange title."

Oh, so that was what the book was called? How interesting. "Yes, quite. But it seems interesting. No?" I asked the Prince. My body leaned closer to the book so that I could take a better look at the cover. "Oh! I almost forgot! I will take this and leave you be for your work." I went to grab the book, but he held it up high, to where I couldn't reach it.

"That's not necessary. As long as you can read silently, I have no problems with you keeping me company while I work." My hands retreated to behind my back and he dusted off the cover of the book before turning around and walking away with it.

I stared at the back of the prince as he made his way back to his seating spot. Did I want the book that bad to be seated next to the most chaotic person in the palace?

I bit my lip as I continued to observe the prince's fleeting figure. It had surprised me when he stopped and turned back around. "Are you coming?" He had asked.

A goofy smile graced my face as I treaded behind the prince. Yes. I wanted the book that bad.

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