(8) SafeHaven/Mii Sanctuary

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*The Ship with Joshua the Mii arrives at the dock*

Lebarbara: Welcome to SafeHaven.

Mii: Woah...

*The Camera floats around the scene seeing buildings kind of like the ones in Dubai but way better, there was numerous chatting during the whole view of the city*

Mii: Wow...

Lebarbara: Yeah, first time here and you are already a fan of this city.

Mii: No Kidding.

Lebarbara: you know on the other side of the city, below us, is a beautiful mountain range flowers-

Mii: Wait, it's not like hell is it. *Lebarbara covers Mii's mouth, looking around and made sure nobody heard him*

Lebarbara: Sorry, Son; But I will have you know right now that the Mii's here no longer like the word "Hell."

Mii: I do not disagree, apology accepted.

Lebarbara: Come on, let's take the Airbus. *An Airbus hovers over the ground as Lebarbara and Joshua The Mii get on and sees the inside has booths on two floors of the Airbus; As soon as everyone at the Airbus stop got inside, the door closes in the Airbus takes off just as fast as a helicopter leaves the ground, and then it hovers above the city*

Mii: I'll be honest with you this feels like heaven to me... And I'm sorry but I'm just glad I wasn't raised here I would've felt like...

Lebarbara: You would have to be pressured to become something you're not even now?

Mii: Yeah.

Lebarbara: That is understood. Our old home "Maka Wuhu" was a home unlike any one of us experienced. *Lebarbara pulls up a 5D Video of Maka Wuhu from pressing a button on the table* Life was good, Clean Blue Ocean Water, Green Grass and trees, and many many activities for every Mii to have fun and obviously treat the game or sport like it's your life. It was home to our kind for Four generations. Your father and I really had it all... Until we were attacked. *Enemy Warships flew over Maka Wuhu and Started tearing our world to pieces* That enemy took away that home... That was until Matt provided the unknown Easter Egg Escape plan. It turns out underneath the island all along were escape pods, most of us made it to the pods safely, that was until the enemy found where we were going, one of those enemy warships launched a bomb inside of the volcano, very few of us were killed and Maka Wuhu was Gone...

Mii: *exhale* I just wish I knew more... But I was so young... I was so happy on Maka Wuhu.. did those that survive and found this place, did they work hard to make sure this place wasn't attacked too?

Lebarbara: Oh Yes... Really hard. *The Airbus is slowing down* We must be getting close to our destination, Let's Go.

*Joshua The Mii stepped off the Airbus onto a Headquarters floor, that was where they met Matt*

*Brunch Scene*

Matt: After 17 years, I never thought I'd see the competition again.

Mii: It's good to see you too... Forgive me for my silence I just wish there was more I could do for Maka Wuhu.

Matt: You are not the only one who wishes that, kiddo. Lots of Mii's wish that for our old home.

Mii: Anyway, Long story short, I was on patrol duty and as soon as things cleared up I was going to head back to Earth and check on my dad.

Matt: This Dad of yours, he is a look-alike of yours, yes?

Mii: *Mii leans closer with a serious look* Yes he is.

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