(7) Power Boot (Joshua's First Mii)

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*Back On Earth, I Was helping Iris with the kids, But suddenly one of the soldiers ran from wherever he came from to notify me about something on the news?*

Soldier #3: Sir, I hate to interrupt your family time, but something came up on the news, you should see it.

*I turn on the TV to the exact channel he was talking about and sure enough, It looks like a group of Mii's may have triggered a meteor point and did it look like they came without a reason*

Iris: Honey, is that a...

Me: Yep, Hold Abigail; I need to bring those Miis in, I cannot have them in the hands of the government.

Iris: Just be careful, do not have blood on your hands when you come back.

Me: I will do my best, Love you.

Iris: Love you too.

*I dash out and change into my Omnimage Uniform, Equip my Lightsabers, and Gauntlets for Stones, and Storm Pistols on My Waist for Emergency*


*New York, New York*

???: Boss, Are you sure this is the right planet?

???: We have orders from Matt, we bring in Joshua The Mii, and what we do next with him is for Matt to decide.

*Sirens are heard*

???: Power Boot, that does not sound good.

Power Boot: I do not disagree, Miyu; but we can't retreat against our orders over some sirens, haven't you guys even been trained in self-defense class?

Jackpot J: I wish I did, but the only solution I know to fix everything is money.

Power Boot: I'm afraid that it's not what I meant, buddy.

Jackpot J: Yeah, Not really.

*The PD park their cars around every angle so that it doesn't look like they have a chance to escape*

Officer #4: All of you down on your knees, hands around your heads!

Power Boot: You're my first Target, nobody tells Power Boot what to do!

Officer #4: Open that dirty mouth of yours, one more time and I will open fire.

*Power Boot sighs and then takes off his glasses, his eyes turn scary white and stares at the officer as if he's giving the officer nightmares, now the officer is seen shivering and suddenly dropping the gun and falls to the ground grabbing his legs and whining*

Power Boot: That is a Warning, we will not be held down by force; I believe there has been a misunderstanding.

*Suddenly A Figure lands in front of the officers, Stood a Human in a Black Cloak, A Fit build clad in Navy Blue and Purple, he holds his hand like a stop sign as he turns to the police*

Omnimage: Officers, Hold Your Fire!

Power Boot: *puts back on his glasses* Who are you?

Omnimage: I think I know why you came here, but having to draw attention to yourself or giving a police officer "day-mares" I believe that is not how I remember doing an operation like this.

Power Boot: Okay, smart guy-

Omnimage: Omnimage, I have a name it's Omnimage.

Power Boot: We are looking for someone named "Joshua the Mii."

Omnimage: I figured as much, the name does sound familiar... I know where he is and where he's going; but I would need to get you and your friends out of this situation.

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