Ch. 4: Mii-O E Bowser... O!

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*The Airships finally made their way to Where Bowser Is*

Bowser: Ha Haaa!! I am very proud of you, Junior! So he decided to turn himself in.

Mii: Actually, I came to speak with you; but if you would call that "turning myself in" who am I to judge.

Bowser: You came; to talk... So you had Bowser Jr bring you in; can't you just fly over here?

Mii: Now where would the fun be in that.

Bowser: What are you up to?

*Mii stares into Bowser's Eyes; Mii was shown to be very calm and angry at the same time*

Mii: Look me in the eyes; and tell me I'm lying.

*Bowser is somehow frightened by Mii's Power and Calm Yet Frightening Stare*

Bowser: W-would you like a Drink?

*Mii lays off the stare and opens with a smile*

Mii: I would like that.


*Bowser is now seen Giving Mii a Shot Glass Of What looks like Mushroom Cocktail*

Bowser: This is simply a test; I want to see if you can drink this from the shot glass; without me telling you what it actually is.

Mii: Alright. *He takes a sip of it; Then He inhales it down, As soon as he was done he was feeling a tiny bit of "sour-age;"* What is that; I never even drank anything that sour, in my entire life.

Bowser: It is Ginger Beer with a Hint of Shiitake Mushroom Spice.

Mii: I'll be honest that is strong stuff; Are you able to handle that kind of sour??

Bowser: Not to Brag, But since I breathe fire my taste buds are kind of immune to extreme sourness and spiciness.

Mii: Well, Good for you.

Bowser: So, What brings you here?

Mii: I hear you have been telling your son to launch attacks on These Galaxies *Mii shows Intergalactic Holograms of HoneyHop Galaxy and Flipsville Galaxy*

Bowser: Yes... And what does that have to do with you?

Mii: Here. *He then shows a hologram of many Mii Studies shown across other galaxies all translated to english; Bowser was not really impressed because he feels like it is too much info*

Bowser: Um... Any Chance you can narrow it down to the important parts to the topic we are currently talking about?

Mii: Of Course. *Mii uses his powers to speed search and finds the important detail written in the old Mii World Law Accords*

Bowser: Thanks. Okay, Let's see here. *Bowser unexpectedly pulls out a pair of reading glasses* "Mii's are in support of Pride relationships; Especially those listed and not limited to "Pansexuality, Bisexuality, and Etc related to Pride Support"" So...

Mii: HoneyQueen and Glamdozer are my Wives as well as many other girls I hardly remember right now.

Bowser: Wow... Um... I am so glad I heard about this because nobody even talks to me if they have problems... Mostly because you are the first to come over and tell me about it; and I kind of have that personality where I'm a conqueror.

Mii: That is Understandable; let me ask you this, Mister...

Bowser: Uh.. I understand you want to show some manners, but please j-just call me, Bowser.

Mii: No problem; Back to my question, you are Mario's arch rival in the games right?

Bowser: Yep; are you asking if he and I actually spend some quality time together, off the games?

Mii: You don't have to answer that if you don't want to.

Bowser: We all have our ups and downs; However I'll tell you this Mario is just not my number one favorite guy to hang out with; because basically my character loses and he gets the girl.

Mii: I see...

*Cell phone rings*

Mii: I got to take this sorry.

Bowser: No problem.


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