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Damon's POV

"So you mean to tell me, the wicked witch of the east, the bitch that nearly tore us apart, that bitch is back? Katherine is back?!" I asked Stefan as I poured myself a glass of bourbon. I heard Stefan sigh in what was dismay, as he processed my words. "Yes, she was in Elena's house, she attacked John" My dearest brother explained to me. I rolled my eyes at that, of course the bitch was in Elena's house, she probably wanted to know what her competition was. Though she could've done us both a favor and gotten rid of John instead of just leaving him alive.

"Damon, what are we going to do? Katherine is back and that means she's planning something, what she's planning, we don't know." Stefan continued, voice worried. I understood completely on where his thoughts lied. Katherine was the reason we first fought, the reason we almost fell apart. If it wasn't for Irina..... Irina, that's exactly who we need.

"Well dear little brother" I started off, getting an annoyed look from Stefan, that I couldn't help but smirk at. "I think it's time to call our sister, wouldn't you agree?"

I haven't seen his eyes light up that way, unless it came to Irina, and I can't help but admit that I actually missed it. It seems like being with the doppelganger, has drained him of his happiness. I watched as the weight upon his shoulders seemingly disappeared and his body relax, and that's all because of the mere mention of her name. I'm no different from him of course, because I felt the same way. Irina was our lifeline, our protector, our savior. She was there when our bastard father was drunk and angry, and she made sure to protect us from his violence. Of course, she wasn't always around to protect us, but no way in hell would we ever blame her for that. She was the reason that Stefan and I stuck together through our immortal life, instead of falling apart and hating each other.

God I remember that day so vividly, the night Stefan forced me to become a vampire. I was so ready to leave him there and cause him misery for the rest of eternity, but Irina stopped that real quick. She basically dragged our asses and had us talk, well more like Stefan and I fought, but in the end the truth was out in the open. Stefan admitted he couldn't let me die, no matter how much he knew I wanted to, because he refused to be in a world where his big brother wasn't. He couldn't do that, and it wasn't even for his sake either, he didn't want Irina to have to live knowing one of her brothers were dead. Of course after a few loose punches and healed bruises, we hugged it out. We then made the collective decision of jumping Irina into a hug as well.

I'm surprised our hunger didn't affect us when we were near her, and when I told her that, she told us she would explain. Imagine my surprise when we found out our sister, wasn't even our sister. The Daughter of Hell, can you believe it!? It didn't change anything though, blood related or not, she was our older sister, our family. It was surprising to find out that instead of being captured and sealed away, like we thought she was, Katherine, the traitorous bitch, was indeed alive and well. It's been a long century and a half, a lot of things happened, with Stefan turning ripper, me getting captured and tortured, and our lovely sister going between realms to rule alongside her father and be here with us.

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Around 25 years ago, the three of us separated to go our own ways for a bit, of course we kept in contact. You think I would've agreed otherwise, cause the answer is no. I wanted to explore while Stefan wanted to find himself. Irina took that time to head back to hell to speak to her father, apparently something happened and she was called back because of that. It was just a couple months ago when Stefan reached out and told me that there was someone who looked exactly like Katherine, and he wanted to check it out. When he told me it wasn't Katherine, but someone from her bloodline it got me curious, so of course I had to come back down to check it out.

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