Chapter - 6: What's behind the Mask?

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"bury merlin's body in the backyard", said one of the disciples.

"No!", Lillith stopped them and whispered something in their ears.

"Ok ma'am", said one of the disciples.

"Don't you dare touch her", Julie screamed and raced towards the disciple who came to lift Merlin's body.

She pushed him away, he fell on some of the potion bottles. The bottles rolled from the table and splattered on the floor.


Lillith losing her patience came before Julie and grabbed a lock of her hair and pulled it. Julie winced in pain.

"It's none of your business, I kill whoever comes in my way... And I don't care about any useless vessels...".

"Vessels... Vessels that's how you see human life... Is it that know how hard it is to form a life, how hard it is to protect a life... Just how hard it is to survive...but for you... It's so cheap huh...", *Spit*. Julie spat on Lillith's face.

"You B*TCH", Lillith shouted and pushed Julie towards a cupboard. Julie smashed right in to the cupboard and fell on the floor. There's no strength left in her body after witnessing everything.

She just laid on the floor half conscious.

"Move merlin's body to James's room and get the preparations done for the rituals. And for these two... Bury Zia while he's breathing. Make sure he's alive while burying and for Julie... Let's do the Virgin ritual and I want her fresh", smirked Lillith and moved from there.

Listening to all the things that Lillith have said, Julie wanted to save everyone and escape from there but it felt like all her energy was vaporized from her body. She just hoped that someone will come and save her and closed her eyes.


"No one from home visited me the whole day, what's happening out there? Why is Merlin not taking any of my calls? What happened to Veronica? Where is she? What happened to Julie and her friends? What the hell I'm doing in this hospital gown and how the hell I'll get away from here? I really wanna know all these things but sitting here will not do anything, I should plan something ", James thought to himself.

"One last try, let's call Merlin". He called her but no one answered.

And then the nurse came to clean the wounds.

She had a mask on her face and had strangely uncombed hair for a nurse. And her clothes are untidy. It's like she dressed herself in a rush.

James was on guard when she came closer to him.

"Don't need to be afraid, James. It's me", she looked into his eyes. Her eyes are welled up with tears.

"Veronica..", James whispered.

She nodded.

In a fraction of seconds James threw her arms around her shoulder and hugged her tight. He started shedding happy tears. His heart was consumed with different types of feelings like fear, happiness and surprise.

He cupped her cheeks with his hands and pulled her closely for a sudden kiss. He sealed her lips with his.

Veronica was surprised at first by his actions but slowly she gives herself in with the kiss. Her hands clasped his hair and they both forget themselves, they forget what's happening around them. All the worries melted away within them.

Veronica climbed on the bed and sat on the lap of James. Her hands slided from his hair to his neck, then his chest and towards his stomach.

"Ouch", James winced in pain.

They broke the kiss to see veronica's hand on the wound of James's stomach.

She took her hand and said, "sorry".

Then they slowly realised what's happening between them. Veronica was shy, embarrassed, happy and scared. But most importantly she felt embarrass of how she gives in for the kiss without thinking what's the situation around them. She came back in to reality and jumped down from the bed. She was too stunned to speak so she ran from there.

James rubbed his temple in frustration for reacting like that with Veronica.

"What the hell did I just do? Just why?" He sighed. He climbed down from the bed and slowly walked towards the door. He was worried that he might lose Veronica again.

When he was near the door someone opened it.

"Hey James", I'm Dorothy.

"Oh, aren't you with Julie?", asked James.

"No, actually that's why I'm here, Zia and Julie were missing since yesterday night".


"Look James what I'm going to say may be a terrible news for you. But you have to hear it. It's very important", said Dorothy.

"But first I need to find Veronica, please let's talk later", James went passed her to search for Veronica.

But Dorothy stopped him.

"James this is very important, that's why myself and Veronica came here, but she lost herself in.. you know.. but please hear what I'm trying to say is..."

" No, I have to find Veronica... ".

"Oh for God sake James, Merlin is dead".

Dorothy words bombed on James ears. He looked at her in disbelief.

His disbelief slowly turned in to rage and he shouted on the hallway.


Dorothy gulped and said, "I'm.. I'm sorry James but that's true.. mer.. dead.. she... Lillith killed her".

Hearing upon this news James grinded his teeth and cracked his knuckles in anger. He started to throw away all the things that are around him.

He lifted and throw wheel chairs, chair and tables. And shouted in pain.

"Oh my God James calm down", Dorothy yelled at him. But he didn't stop. The hospital staffs came there and tried to stop him but he pushed them away. He acted like a mad man.

Veronica on the other side embarrassed to see James because she came here to announce his sister's death instead she forget herself in her lust and desperation towards James.

When she heard the clattering sounds near James's room. She rushed there to see James acting in rage. Understanding the situation she slowly went near him but hesitated to speak in front of him. Because she thought that he might think cheap of her.

When James turned towards Veronica, standing in the corner of the hallway. He rushed towards her. Veronica shut her eyes close thinking that he was going to slap her or scold her. When James came near him he slowed down and took a deep breath then hugged Veronica tightly.

He started to cry his heart out on her shoulder. Not knowing how to console him Veronica hugged him back and cried with him.

For the next few minutes he didn't break the hug or stopped crying. As if it was the first time since birth that he is letting out all his pain.

Then slowly he break the hug and collapsed on the floor.

"Oh James", Veronica sat near him and took his hands on hers.

"Enough, Let's end this for once and for all... Let's fight her .. I'll do anything .. anything for the downfall of Lillith...", James said it with determination.


The Final battle is near.⚠️

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With love 🖋️

Lillith And Eve (A.k.a - My Dead Relatives)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora