Episode 1

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*We start with Chris McLain at the dock*

Chris: I bet you guys sure have wondered where this show has been? Well we nearly got cancelled, because someone decided to turn into an evil alternate personality and drown another contestant and someone else tried to blow up the island. The producers were clearly not too fond of all the near deaths and mutations caused by my "carelessness". I had a contract! I wrote that they may or may not die on the show and I'm not liable for any deaths in my special invisible ink pen. Well Luckily for all you fans out there I was told I could host another season if we went back to our roots. 22, Campers, 2 teams, no more psychopath behavior. And I of course reluctantly agreed. But there was one problem we didn't have an island. So I broke into a private island and forced everyone out. They were lucky the complied before I had to put a gun to there head. Now we are here at an Island known to have the legendary twin falls! And now we have 22 teenagers here ready to compete for the million dollars! Look! Here's one of there boats now! 

*A boat comes on carrying Lucas who rides on and gets off then looks around.

Chris: Our first contestant! Lucas!! 

*Lucas steps off the boat and onto the island, 

Lucas: No one else is here? Thank goodness, I was so terrified I would have to talk to people.

Chris: Oh you will! Speaking of which here's another 

*Lucas groans and then Quinn emerges 

Chris: Quinn! 

*Quinn throws her knife narrowly missing Chris then she gets off the boat* 

Quinn: Your lucky my aim was off today. I did not sign up for this. 

*Chris pulls out contract 

Chris: Actually you did. 

Quinn: ugh whatever, I will make sure no one makes it out of here alive. 

Chris: Woah, woah, woah!! The producers made it clear murder is not allowed for me to host another season 

Quinn: well I don't wanna be here so People better watch there backs.

||*Quinn stands next to Lucas and Punches him in the stomach*

Lucas: Ow! 

*Quinn Snickers and then Chris sees another contestant emerging*

Chris: Next up We have Zoe!! A different Zoey, this one's name is spelled Z-O-E people.

*Zoe emerges and starts talking selfies every 5 seconds* 

Zoe: Oh my god, Yes!! We're on a deserted island!! The amount of creative selfies I can take is endless!! 

Chris: Uh Yeah, I was also told by the producers no confiscating phones in case of an emergency. 

*Zoe keeps running around everyone taking a bunch of Selfies* 

Quinn: How fast can that girls thumbs click- 

*Hannah emerges on the dock*

Hannah: Not as fast as mine. I beat the world record for world's highest cps aka clicks per second. I am the only gamer on earth to be able to click 1000 Clicks per second. 

Chris: And this is Hannah, our resident Gamer girl. 

Hannah: I just use Gamer, you don't call Male Gamers Boy Gamers! So just call me Gamer. 

Chris: ANYways.. look, our next contestants are showing up!! 

*Daniel is riding on a boat with Eli on one behind* 

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