eighty won.

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Not sure how I ended up here, but comment anyway!! :)

Stefania POV

As consciousness gradually returns, the blare of my alarm clock pierces the silence, jolting me awake from the depths of sleep. Disoriented and groggy, my senses were still clouded with remnants of dreams. I quickly reach over turning off the alarm on my phone, granting me a brief reprieve from the assault on my senses, though knowing it's just a temporary respite before the inevitable return to reality.

It's shoot day, I look at the clock reading 4:00 am. Our private jet leaves at 6 am and I have to be on set at 9 am. I looked over to Danielle confused about how she could sleep through such a loud alarm but after last night's events, I'm sure she fell into a deep sleep.

I decided to let her sleep just a tad bit longer. I sighed, climbing out of bed and tossing on my robe to start my morning routine. Digging out something comfy for Danielle and I to wear on our flight.

After organizing our things, I went out to check on Zadie, she didn't have her door closed so I just peeked in as she was sound asleep. I figured I'd get the coffee started, shower, and then wake the girls.

As I became closer and closer to the kitchen I started smelling the strong smell of espresso beans already brewing. I furrowed my eyebrows peaking in. "Ahhh, Buongiorno, madrina." I hugged and kissed Carmen. Walking over to grab me a mug from the cupboard.

"Buongiorno!! Ready for today?" She questioned grabbing her espresso from her Breville barista and taking a seat at the kitchen island. "Kind of.. for some reason, it's feeling like first-day jitters." I smiled trying to shake off my nerves. It's been so long since I've been on set, I just want everything to be perfect" I told Carmen, grabbing her freshly brewed espresso and taking a sip.

"Ahhh, don't stress it too much Stefania. You'll be amazing Tesoro" she encouraged.

"Yeah..." I sighed, lost in thought. I gaze into my mug of espresso. Carmen rose from her chair and approached me, standing by my side. Using her index finger, she gently turned my chin to meet her gaze. "Qual è il problema figlioccia? Parlami" Carmen questioned, I shook my head.

"Niente.. niente." I coaxed, taking another sip of my coffee

"Oh dear... I won't pressure you to speak to me. But, I can sense when something is weighing on that beautiful mind of yours. Just remember, whenever you need or feel ready to talk, I'm here... si?" Carmen gently, wrapped her arms around me, pulling me close in a warm embrace. She held me securely, offering a sense of safety and support. As she leaned into the hug, she provided a comforting presence.

It's not that I didn't want to talk to Carmen, I just couldn't talk to her about everything at this moment. My brain is still trying to process the conversation Danielle and I had last night. All while being clouded by this lawsuit, my daughter's behavior, getting her help, and being back on set.

"Grazie.." I told Carmen.

There was a silence that fell upon us. I slightly noticed a tiny little head peeping from around the wall into the kitchen. "Come here, Bella," I told Zadie.

With her tousled fluffy curls, and hair sticking out in every direction, she shuffled into the kitchen, her eyes still heavy with sleep. Her pajamas were slightly askew, and a sleepy yawn escaped her lips as she rubbed her eyes. "Good morning, dolce farfalla" I smiled.

Walking over to her, I held my arms out for a morning hug, she hesitated but eventually shuffled into my arms, her arms wrapping around my waist in a sleepy embrace. I leaned down, pressing a gentle kiss on top of her head, feeling the softness of her hair against me as I felt her body tense up.

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