Chapter 20 | Reluctance

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Anxiety and self-doubt were mounting like a flooding sewer. Her appearance was far from perfect... it filled her with shame.

Adapting the best she could, she locked her hands behind her and swayed her hips. "You look good in that outfit." The she-wolf commented, "It's... very form-fitting."

Lóthurr's breathing accelerated- his chest rising and falling quickly.  He clenched the papers hard.

Clenching his jaw, he fought an intense battle in his head. His eyes shifted between a light blue moon, nearly white, and intimidating red. It reminded her of what it looked like to have an internal battle with one's wolf.

Perhaps... he felt similarly. She imagined scenarios- like a doctor trying to be professional or a large man as shy as a mouse.

His eyes turned a dark red- the control over his own body completely taken over by his wolf.

"Perfect like a tagok," He abruptly commented slightly in a deeper voice, swallowing thickly, staring her down, and making intense eye contact. Calamity perked with delight.
[Perfect like a swan.]

Something inside her stirred and whispered incomprehensibly.

Humming in thought, the white-haired man would tilt his head and lean toward her. "Unáák..." He whispered and slowly began to lean a hand toward her.
[Your eye...]

Calamity didn't understand his native tongue- but it was attractive and unique. She took his words as compliments... especially considering his welcoming body language. She leaned toward his hand-

Suddenly, he whipped his hand back and shook his head rapidly. The crimson disappeared immediately and was replaced with the usual light blue moon.

Lóthurr opened and closed his mouth before shaking his head some more as his eyes returned to normal. "I'm sorry." He apologized.

"No biggie," the mohawked woman beamed. "I mean... I like to be upfront and honest. Maybe it's my stubborn nature." She giggled girlishly. Red clouded her cheeks in embarrassment.

She giggled like a little girl... oh, goddess, what's happening to her?

"Gųą łe..." He muttered and took another step backward. He was slightly trembling- trying to control himself while keeping his wolf at bay.
[Apple blossom...]

She knew he felt similarly- he literally showed her. If his wolf was acting this way, then he was definitely hiding his feelings. "Are you nervous?" Calamity asked.

Lóthurr cleared his throat, "No." He snapped back sharply and took more steps backward- his grip on the papers fumbling until he dropped them on the bed. The white-haired man swayed like a drunken sailor.

His eyes rapidly shift between white-blue and the same dark mahogany... the man's control rapidly slipping with every second.

"I need to go." Lóthurr stuttered and swung around her- quickly jogging toward the hotel doorway.

She gasped and followed him with a saddened expression, "Lóthurr?!" She exclaimed, "I'm sorry! I can hold back my teasing-"

She was met with the door being slammed shut in her face.

Calamity rested her palms against the hardwood- shockingly staring into it as if it swore at her mother. The silence of her loneliness pulled her into the harsh reality of being rejected.

She breathed thickly and slowly stepped away from the door- retaining eye contact with its perfect polish.

What eternal battle was he fighting? Why did he resist touching her... what could possibly be the reason?

The mohawked woman wracked her head for any reason behind his behaviour. She whipped away from facing the door and walked back into the room- running her fingers through her mohawk.

Calamity felt conflicted and alone. Did she make him uncomfortable? Did she blow it?

"Fuck!" The woman kicked over a stool- her foot pulsating painfully.

The she-wolf fell onto her bed face-first. She gripped her hair tightly, her eyes threatening to spill over with tears and misery.

"Gleyma..." She whispered, "Fuck... where are you?"

If Gleyma were here... she would've known what to do.

 she would've known what to do

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END HER TYRANNY (TEMPORARILY PAUSED)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang