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We flew to the big building in the center of it all. It was made like a modern palace. We landed and a man in fine black clothes approached us. Tony got out and helped me down. When the two men met up there wasn't friendliness or bitterness just something neutral.

"So this is the girl?" The man asked his accent thick with every word.

"Yes, as I said we need to discuss it" Tony said.

"Very well" He said.

He turned and gestured us to follow him inside. A set of guards let us pass through the doors before following. They were women who looked like they'd slice my head off in a heartbeat.

We went through halls and eventually down an elevator. It reached what appeared to be a lab. It glowed everywhere with white light. There were robots and machines. Only a few people were inside.

"Shuri will assist you" The King said.

She ran over bowing lightly to him. She took in the sight of me and I wondered what she thought.

"I already have a plan brother not to worry" Shuri said.

* * *

I had felt anxious as I was put on a bed. Before I could even count to ten I was unconscious. In a dark and boring nothing. And as if no time had passed I woke up. I was groggy and the sky had turned black. It was probably closer to sunrise now based on the time we reached here. A woman walked over and looked over me. She grabbed a glass of water. I chugged it down. I felt no pain so whatever it had been was something mental. They had wanted to use a form of waves or something to change how I processed hydras words.

I'd felt a longing to get home. Back to Peter. I missed him in a way that made me uneasy. The idea I cared that much for him seemed to resonate with me.

* * *

At sunrise we made our way to leave. I'd had enough time to get my bearings before we made our departure. I felt a little relieved to be heading back, but the idea of exploring Wakanda seemed intriguing. They were vicious but kind people.

"Okay come on tell me something anything your silence is killing me" Tony said.

"I don't know where there is I feel fine? my head hurts, but I'm fine" I said.

"What about Peter? you both seem glued to each other" Tony said.

I never thought he'd be a gossip girl, but here we were. My skin had flushed pink and I looked outside.

"Well I don't know if I'd say that, he's a friend" I said.

"Does he know that?" Tony asked.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

Tony seemed to think a moment, "You could be dangerous for him" he settled on that.

"So could you or any one of the Avengers" I added.

"Fair point" he said and then we went quiet.

I watched as the land disappeared and we zoomed impossibly fast. Within ten hours we'd be back. I plucked out a book and began to read.

Halfway into the flight Tony sat up abruptly. He cursed under his breath and I followed his gaze. Behind us a flying plane of some sort was trailing. I watched as they shot at us. The plane we had was small and fast, but it wasn't bullet proof I was sure.

Tony got up putting his suit on. I looked at him wondering how he planned to actually navigate this situation.

I fell forward in the plane as something big hit the end. Fire filled my view of the windows. I hadn't known until now there wasn't a pilot on the plane. My hair whipped me in the face as we went down. I stayed low to the floor as Tony waited still standing. When I could see the ground Tony put a backpack over my shoulders.

"We gotta jump out" he yelled.

I nodded and watched as he pulled me to him. With a free arm he started to break away a hole in the side. When we were out we'd be in the open, but I assumed that they wouldn't hurt us. Or me anyways since they wanted me alive.

The moment the door fell away we launched out. I felt the oxygen leave my body before something was fitted to my face. A metal mask, much like the suit Tony had. Tony slowed our decent but kept us moving from the jet as we went. Then I launched up as my parachute opened up. Tony went to the jet moving closer to us. Our plane crashed into the ground. I swayed as my chute took me down. I felt for my powers. They hummed to life as I reached out to the jet. It was still so far, but I used every ounce of energy. It wrapped around the windows and the ship rocked. Tony was able to destroy one of the engines. He slammed into the metal of the jet. He went limp as the jet crashed.

It took me minutes more to reach the ground. I landed and ran to avoid being buried with the fabric. When the backpack was off I ran through the trees and dirt. I peeled the mask from my face. I followed the smoke that rose into the air. I reached the ship but Tony must've been farther away still. My powers had left me nearly broken in pain. I felt a gun press to the back of my head.

"8 5 7 has been captured" a thick German accent.

My body stiffened before something pricked my skin. My shaky muscles faded into a numbness before I collapsed onto the ground.

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