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I ducked as a wave of debris on fire launched overhead. My legs carried me across the street where a group of people were huddled in a cement parking lot. When I reached them, I started to gently, but forcefully pull them away. They needed to get out of the area. Technically I needed to as well. 

A round of bullets went around us as we ran in and out of destroyed buildings. Most that could've come down at any moment. Why did it have to be aliens? When we reached an area where there was less trouble, I let them go on their own and I ran back into trouble. A good habit of mine. 

Back where I started there were a few of the said aliens around. I'd counted a few avengers, but not all of them. And none of them were in my area anymore. There weren't many people around in this spot. I felt better having got those other people out as I waited behind a chunk of building. I had no game plan now as they wandered around for something. 

Their guns were drawn as they approached in my direction. Panic had been writhing inside me since the first shot of a giant ship. I reached my hand out and I watched shadows form at their feet before it wrapped around them. It surrounded their bodies, and I wanted it to make them pass out. As if on que they passed out and went limp. The shadows came back to me and wrapped around my arms as I began to walk out. 

I froze as I saw the one and only captain america standing over the bodies and watching me. His blue eyes were looking right at me. He was confused and seemed to be caculating what to do with a beacon of darkness. 

"Whats your name?" he called from his distance.

"Aria" I called back. 

I had never used anything before. Never knew I was anything but a person. A human on earth who had nothing going on. 

"I can help with that" he pointed at my leg. 

Oh right. I scraped it on a broken iron rod from running. I hadn't even felt it until now. 

"Sure" I said.

*    *    * 

He took me to the Avengers base. Compound? It wasn't the tower anymore. I wished he'd told me about it. I figured he wanted to drag me into the world of fighting. My mother still lived in this city I was currently staying with her. To be fair I'd gotten into a car with him. Hesitantly, but it was captain America. And I just took down three aliens. 

I followed him past the glass doors and through a few hallways. It was large a curtesy of Stark the iron man. I hadn't seen him earlier in the fight. 

He stopped at the end of the main hallway and opened a glass door. It had Medic labeled in a white sticker. I walked with him limping lightly. It had become sore since coming in here and the piece of cloth he wrapped around my leg hadn't saved me from the pain. 

Inside there were a few rows of cots all with rows of machines above them. At the end there were two sealed rooms, which I assumed were for more serious wounds. One of the cots wasn't empty. A guy sat there in a red suit like Starks, his brown eyes looked at me. He looked like a puppy dog.  He was getting a wound on his shoulder stitched up by a woman with blonde hair, much like my own. 

"Another one?" her blue eyes searched me. 

She probably thought it was strange to see a well a stranger here. 

"How'd you get back here so fast?" Steve asked. 

 "I was closer and I'm faster" he said a smile on his face. 

"Peter, Harland, this is Aria she needs a patch up" he said. 

The nearest hospital was probably filled to the brim with people anyways. Harland looked at my leg as she tied the thread on Peter. 

Harland pointed to the cot next to Peter and I sat there relieved to take the weight off of my leg. When Harland walked over, I already had my leg sitting up. My pants had long since been rolled up. His suit at his chest had a spider. Spider man a famous one of the Avengers. Nobody had seen his face though. Except me. 

There was no getting out of this one. 

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