S1 E2: Earth skills

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Cold thats all I feel. I slowly open my eyes and see that I'm in some sort of cave laying on the cold hard floor. I put my hand on my stomach and feel that the arrow is gone. There is some kind of green bandage covering where an arrow once was. I slowly sit up wincing at the pain in my arm and stomach. I see jasper on the ground across from me his shirt is off but there isn't a bandage over his wound.

Just as I'm about to move over to jasper someone walks into the cave. He instantly looks at me and starts walking over to me. "No, no,no please don't hurt us we didn't do anything." I say trying to move away. He just grabs my injured arm ignoring me. He looks at the wound before he drops my arm and walks over to a stand and picks up a bandage like the one on my stomach. He picks my arm back up and places it on the wound causing me to flinch at the pressure he put on it. "You're helping us?" I ask out of confusion. He just looks at me and we make eye contact. So he understands me. He walks back over to his stand to grab another bandage but this time he walks over to jasper.

"Hello? Why won't you talk?" I ask the man. i slowly make my way over to him and jasper. "Hey" I say to him and he looks up from jasper to me. "I know you understand me. So why won't you talk to me." He ignores me and goes back to helping jasper. "If you were gonna help us why did you even hurt us? That doesnt make any sence" I ask trying to get him to talk. He looks back up to me for a second but still decides to ignore me. "Ughhh come on, talk to me." I continue trying.

He stands back up to grab an extra bandage thing for jasper. Once he is back to jaspers side he quietly says "Lincoln" I smile and say "well Lincoln I'm Sierra, and my friend here is jasper." he nods his head in response.

"So why are you helping us?" I ask him. "I'm not like them" He answers. Them? "What do you mean them? Are there more of you?" He only nods his head in response. I slowly stand up wanting to walk around but I hear foot steps coming towards us. Then I feel something smack the side of my head then everything went black.


I wake up but this time I'm tied to a tree. "What the hell?" I say to myself. I hear a groan from behind me and I turn my head to see jasper on the other side of the tree. Jasper screams out in pain because the vine that has us tied to the tree shifted when I moved. Out of instinct his scream makes me jerk my head to the side fast to try and see if he was ok. Big mistake. This time the vines shift and goes right over my arrow wound. I scream out in pain my head falling back against the tree hard.

I hear rushed footsteps as if people were running. I decide against turning around again. "HELLO!?" I scream hoping someone could hear me."SOBODY HELP" I shout "SIERRA ITS US WERE HERE" I hear Murphy shout. I let out a sigh or relief. "Sierra are you ok?" I hear clarke ask. "Yeah, I'm good I don't know about jasper though." I hear a familiar scream and have to stop myself from turning. "Clarke are you ok what happened?" I try to shout but I can't my throat is to dry I need water. "Yeah im ok I fell into a giant hole." Once again I let out a sigh of relief knowing my little sister was ok. I hear foot steps walking up to the tree. "Hey Sierra were gonna get you down from there okay?" I hear Finn say. I nod my head not knowing if he could see or not. "Yeah that would be great." I say back.

"There's a poultice on his wound" I hear clarke say. "Is that what this thing is?" I ask her. "Yeah, you have one to?" She ask. "Yeah but I have 2" I tell her.

"Medicine? Why would they save his life just to string him up as live bait?" I hear wells ask completely ignoring the fact that I'm up here to.

"Maybe what they're trying to catch likes it's dinner to be breathing."Bellamy says. "Maybe what they're trying to catch is us." I hear Finn say from the other side of the tree.

"Hey there smurfy" I say to Murphy as he gets up to me to tie me down. He smiles at me and says "I thought I told you to stop calling me that." He says in a jokingly way. "You did I just didn't listen." I say smiling back at him. He rolls his eyes at me causing me to laugh before wincing in pain.

We hear a growling coming from somewhere around us. "What the hell was that?" Murphy questions. "Grounders?" Bellamy says. I look up to see a giant black jaguar comes running at bellamy. "Bellamy watch out." I shout at him. He goes to reach for his gun but its gone. Next thing I know wells is fireing shots at the jaguar. Missing the majority of them.

The jaguar launches itself at bellamy but before it lands on him wells fires one last shot killing the jaguar. "Now she sees you" i hear bellamy tell wells.  Murphy and finn finally cut down me and jasper. I sit on a branch as Finn and Murphy bring jasper down.

Bellamy makes his way up the tree to help me down. When he's on the branch right bellow me he holds out has hand for me to take. I look at his hand and then back to him. "I got you I won't let you fall." He says to me. I hesitantly take his hand and lowering myself to the branch he's on and we keep doing that until he's on the ground. The branch isn't to far from the ground but to far for me to jump with my injures. He reaches up and grabs me by the waist to gently lift me up and put me on the ground. Somewhere during that my arms had made their way around his neck. We make eyecontact once my feet hit the ground with my hands on the back of his neck.

We stand like that for a moment lost in each other's eyes until someone clears their throat. "We should head back to camp" I hear wells say. I remove my hands and make my way towards my sister who instantly hugs me, so I return the hug.

On the walk back I was walking beside my sister with my arm across her shoulders leaning on her for support. "They're back" someone shouts as we walk up to camp. Octavia runs up to me hugging ame as soon as she sees me. "You gotta stop scaring me like that" she says to me. I smile at her and say "I'll try" she smiles back before turning her attention to jasper. Monty is next to give me a hug except he hugs me tighter than octavia. "Happy birthday"  he wispers to me. I pull away from the hug looking at him shocked "you remembered?" I ask and he nods his head saying "yeah how could I forget." Finn and wells walk up carrying jasper and Monty goes to ask "is he-?" But before he can finish Clarke answers "he's alive. I need boiled water and strips of cloth for bandage." I follow Finn and wells into the dropship wanting to be with jasper. I start wiping the blood off of him as clarke starts wiping blood off of his face. Finn walks in and hands clarke something but I decide not to be nosy and mind my business. Clarke sets its down so I take that time to look at it and see that it looks like the deer we saw before. Finn walks out leaving us alone with jasper. "Happy birthday by the way." Clarke says before she follows Finn out. I smile glad that she remembered.

Murphy comes in with a stick of food and hands it to me before saying "happy birthday" and then he walks out not giving me a chance to respond. I eat the food and then in comes octavia. "Hey birthday girl how is he?" I smile at her and say "well he's still alive, so that's good." She nods her head before saying "well I gotta go but i wanted to come check on you and jasper, happy birthday." I smile at her and say "thank you" with that she walks out leaving me and jasper alone.

I would give anything to hear those words come out of jaspers mouth right now. He has never missed telling me happy birthday, he was always the first person.

A/N- Well that's the end of that chaper. I'm new to writing fanfics so please give me your thoughts and feel free to be brutaly honest with me.thank you for reading❤️

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