1. pilot

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1 day that's all the time I have left before I'm floated, just like my father. "This is so unfair, i dont want you to die" my cell mate octavia Blake complains.

" I don't wanna die either but it's the law octavia there's nothing we can do about it" I say to the girl.

"Well we could just fight them off and you run and hide and then boom you don't die" the younger girl says causing me to laugh. She sits up from where we were laying on our cell floor. "No I'm serious like I'll talk to bellamy and have him sneak you food and help hide you. He's good at it, I would know him and my mom hid me under a floor for 16 years"

"I'll think about it, how about that?" I say to her and she nods her head laying back down beside me. I let my mind wonder to thinking about my younger sister clarke and my mother Abby. Clarke is only 11 months younger than me but nobody knows we're sisters.( for my story were just gonna pretend that clarke still has a year until she gets floated.) Everybody knows me as Sierra Kane daughter of Marcus and Katherine Kane. Nobody knows that my real parents are Abby and Jake griffin except for one person.

Mom and dad weren't ready for kids yet when I was born but Marcus and Katherine were so they gave me to them. mom somehow hid her entire pregnancy. I'm still close with my mother and Clarke. My parents wanted to take me back but by the time they decided they were ready she was already pregnant with Clarke. That time she didn't hide it at all.

Then my mind wonders to the 2 boys I got arrested with, Monty green and jasper Jordan. Those two boys are my brothers from other mothers.

"Do you ever think about what it would be like on the ground?" Octavia ask breaking me from my thoughts. Before I can respond we hear lots of commotion outside.

We both stand up to go Check it out but gaurds open up our cell and come in. "Prisoners 354 and 526 face the wall." One of the gaurds say "what's going on?" I ask confused. " quiet. Hold out your right arm." He says

"What why it's not my time yet I still have 1 more day." I say. "Quite" one of the other gaurds say and push me against the wall. "Please no don't take her shes not 18 yet she still has some time please." Octavia protest against them. But it falls upon deaf ears apparently. Another gaurd pushes octavia against the wall and says " they said to be quiet." I feel a gaurd pull my arm out and then I feel needles poke into my skin as one of the gaurds puts this silver bracelet thing on my wrist. I shift my head to look at octavia and see them doing the same thing to her. "Shes not 18 yet you can do that, get off of her" i say but it just falls apon deaf ears.

I elbow the gaurd that was holding me against the wall in the face and then send my Foot back kicking him right where it hurts. Another gaurd comes at me but I punch him right in the nose, he goes to swing at me but I catch his fist and turn to flip him over my shoulder. I then grab the gaurd thats holding Octavia, by the hair and slam him against the ground, the impact of the ground knocking him out. "I told you to get off of her" I say as he's laying on the ground. Octavia starts fighting back to and Another gaurd grabs octavia and she screams at me to run. I look at her like she's crazy before punching another gaurd. "GO!" She screams at me and I look back again to see that she's serious.

I hesitantly turn around and take off down the hall. I see alot of kids being took out of their cells and being taken away, where? I have no idea but I have a feeling I'm gonna be joining them. I turn down a hall and see gaurds waiting there so I turn around but i have no luck because gaurds are already behind me. I see Katherine push her way through the gaurds and make her way to me. "What's going on where are they taking all of those kids?" I ask her. "They are going to earth and so are you" she informs me.

"But it's not safe, not for another 100 years" I say shaking my head. She puts her hands on the sides of my face and says "We think it's safe, think of this as your second chance." Before I can respond I feel a needle being stuck in my neck and I hear her say "happy early birthday my sweet girl I love you" she says tears streaming down her cheeks and thats all I see before everything goes black.

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