Chapter nineteen: Love, love, love.

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After we got thrown out from the funeral Marcus' father said before letting us go.

"I don't hate you I want you to know that and I'm sure Marcus will be laughing at what you're doing. Thank you and I'm sorry about that day at your house. Something in me wanted it to just be suicide. I can't stand the fact that someone killed him and I couldn't protect him when that's literally my job." His expression was serious while his face was blank.

"No big deal." I reassured him and opened my cars door and before I could get in he continued.
"It's not something that simple to find a killer. It's dangerous and you're just teenagers you need to stop this nonsense of pretending to be detectives and leave it to us." He emphasized.
"Mr. George we have made our decisions and we will continue to search." Leo replied and Mr. George looked at us in surprise.


We were sitting in my jacuzzi with Mia and we were having a conversation about whether she was ready to get into a relationship with Sebastian.
She felt insecure after what happened between her and Jack.

Jack was her first relationship which lasted a year and the 6 of them he was also with her best friend Sadie.

"I feel comfortable talking to you because you can't judge me for my past because you don't even know it!" She laughed and sipped some of her champagne.
"I would never judge you like I'm some innocent. You can tell me anything." I said a serious face as I didn't find it funny at all.

Suddenly her expression changed and was filled with shame.
She set the champagne aside and said.

"So you wouldn't judge me for anything?" She asked hesitantly.
"Of course not." I answered her confidently.
"Whatever it was?" She asked me again.
"Have you killed, raped, manipulated, abused?"
"No! Are you crazy?" She said, terrified.
"Then no there is nothing I could judge you for." I crossed my arms.

She swallowed dryly and gathered her legs, resting her head on them.

"Have you ever noticed that sometimes when we walk down the hallways they laugh at us? At me actually..." She said while avoiding eye contact.

"Yes, but I assumed it was because of what happened with Jack and Sadie."
"No, it's because just before we broke up he asked me to send him some pictures, threatening to break up with me if I didn't."
"Are you kidding me?" I said angrily because I knew what was coming next.
"I really didn't want to do it he was my first in everything and I was afraid I'd lose him but he tricked me and sent them everywhere! I didn't want to, I'm telling you the truth." She said quickly and nervously.

This bastard needed a lesson. He was on the same team as Sebastian and the others so it wouldn't have been hard to give it to him.

I touched her face with my hands as her eyes were misty.
"Calm down! I don't even care what you sent! You trusted him and he betrayed you it's not your fault it's his fault. I won't let him unpunished and be sure of that. You're still my best friend and I love you just the way you are!" Halfway through the words I hugged her tightly in my arms.
"Do you really consider me your best friend?"
"Even though we've only known each other for two and a half months, yes." I replied and a smile filled her face.
"Fuck them boys! We have each other we don't need anyone else!"

My cell phone rang and it was Levi, he had already called me five times. We hadn't said a word to each other after my conversation with my mother. He made several attempts to talk to me but I avoided him.
"Aren't you going to answer it? It's taken you too many times."

I explained to her all about what his dad had done to my family and she replied

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I explained to her all about what his dad had done to my family and she replied.

"Just like you know me you also know him. He's not that kind of man and you should know that better especially you who have gotten close to him like no one else ever did. He never talked to anyone up until he met you is when he started opening up and besides he shouldn't be paying for what his dad did."

Everything she said got me thinking. She was right he wasn't a bad person he just had his own problems. Which he never talked about though.

My cell phone rang again.
It was Levi.

"Pick it up." Mia got fed up, so that's what I did.

"Why didn't you pick up?" He yelled.
"I'm with Mia on this." I made an excuse.
"Fine, I'll talk to you later. I'll pick you up at nine." He informed me.
"You don't have to..." He interrupted me.
"I'll pick you up in three hours."


I handed over some of the clothes that I thought no longer fit me to Mia. My favourite colors used to be soft colors and now they had been replaced with black. I gave her all of them, I would never wear them again anyways.

"Jack would never let me wear this." Mia said as she tried on the black dress that would be her outfit for Marcus' goodbye party.
"There is no Jack anymore. Only Sebastian and Sebastian will be happy to see you in this. Even if she gets jealous or annoyed, you dress for you and only you."
"To be honest, I was so blinded by the fact that he was my first love that I thought he would be the only one."

She came out of the bathroom and looked beautiful. I was so happy with how it fit her. Mia had a shy and unique personality. She was different she didn't think negatively about others.

"Mia you are beautiful! She fit you like a glove!" I shouted excitedly.
As she looked at herself in the mirror she said.
"I thought it was the one."
She continued to think of him.
"Sometimes people are like makeup. We have one mascara and once it's finished we look for the same one thinking we had the best one in the world just because we haven't tried any other mascara. When you finally find the best one for you it's when you realise the one you kept for so long wasn't as good as you thought" I went behind her and put her necklace on.
"I was using the wrong shade but I kept trying to convince myself it was a match."

As soon as I sat down to put on my makeup she asked me.

"Have you ever been in love?"

The truth was somewhere in the middle. There was a boy I liked at my old school yet I was too scared to commit anything with him. We kept moving and I was afraid I would end up like my parents. I was afraid I would end up being in a relationship that I would end up not wanting to be in simply because I wouldn't know how to leave him.

"No." I replied dryly.
"I'm telling the truth! There was someone I liked but I've never fallen in love with anyone and besides I'm focusing on myself for now!" I laughed and continued to put on my makeup.
"Uprep is still here there are plenty of chances to see him."
As soon as she said that anxiety took over my body.

"If you see him what are you going to do?"
"I don't think I'm going to do anything because I don't think he wants to have anything to do with me. If I see him and he makes a move to talk to me then I don't know... I'm gonna do whatever my heart chooses to do."
"You're heart? I thought you weren't in love! Ellie!" She laughed again.

""You're heart? I thought you weren't in love! Ellie!" She laughed again

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"We have to go. Levi is waiting for us." I stood up quickly and took my purse.
"Give me a sec to wear my shoes!" Mia yelled.

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