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The sun greeted Aarya with its warm glow, peeking through the curtains of their hotel room. She stretched languidly, the sound of the ocean waves a soothing melody in the background. A smile bloomed on her face as she remembered where she was – Goa, with Mahi!

"Good morning, sunshine!" Mahi's voice came from the balcony. Aarya padded towards him, the cool breeze carrying the scent of salt and sea air.

"Good morning, Mahi! Did you sleep well?" she asked, her voice husky from sleep.

"Like a log," he chuckled, pulling her into a hug. "Ready to explore Goa?"

"Absolutely! I've been waiting for this forever!" Aarya declared, her eyes sparkling with excitement.

Mahi grinned. "Me too. But before we hit the ground running, how about we grab some breakfast on the beach? There's this little cafe I know that makes the most amazing pancakes."

Aarya's eyes widened. "Pancakes by the beach? Sounds perfect!" She said excitedly and jumped on him. He held her close and kissed her forehead.

They headed towards the café!

"This cafe is so beautiful Mahi!" She said happily

"I am so happy you liked it!"

They had their breakfast in peace before heading towards the Goan adventure day.

Their day was a whirlwind of touristy adventures. They wandered through the bustling markets of Anjuna, the air thick with the cacophony of vendors hawking their wares. Aarya, with her natural curiosity, was drawn to every brightly colored stall, her eyes wide with wonder.

"Look at these sarongs, Mahi! They're so vibrant!" she exclaimed, holding up a piece of fabric adorned with swirling paisley patterns.

Mahi chuckled, watching her infectious enthusiasm. "They are pretty cool. Maybe you could get one to wear to a beach party later?"

Aarya's eyes lit up. "A beach party? You know of one happening tonight?"

Mahi winked. "There's always something going on in Goa. But first, we need to conquer these markets!"

They navigated the maze of stalls, Aarya's fingers trailing across hand-woven baskets, intricately carved wooden elephants, and shelves overflowing with spices that released exotic aromas. Mahi patiently followed behind, occasionally pointing out a unique treasure or helping Aarya bargain with a particularly persistent vendor.

Suddenly, Aarya stopped in front of a stall overflowing with trinkets. Her eyes landed on a delicate necklace made from tiny, polished seashells. Each shell shimmered with iridescent hues of pink, blue, and green, catching the sunlight like a miniature rainbow.

"Mahi, this is beautiful!" she gasped, her voice barely a whisper.

Mahi followed her gaze and a smile softened his features. "It is, isn't it? Here, let me take a look."

He chatted with the vendor for a moment, his charm working its magic as he negotiated a fair price. A few minutes later, he presented the necklace to Aarya, his eyes twinkling.

"For you," he said simply.

Aarya's breath hitched. "Oh, Mahi, you shouldn't have!" she exclaimed, touched by his gesture.

"But I wanted to," he insisted, gently placing the necklace around her neck. The cool shells rested against her skin, the shimmering colors complementing her sun-kissed glow.

Aarya looked at her reflection in a small hand mirror a nearby vendor offered. A wide smile bloomed on her face. "It's perfect," she whispered, her heart brimming with warmth. "Thank you. This is the best souvenir ever." 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23 ⏰

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