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The next morning Rohit came into their room to call them for breakfast.

"Vi! Chal na breakfast karte hai!" He said entering as Virat had kept it open.

"Good morning Ro! Let's have no here! Mahi Bhai will also come!"

"Sure Vi!"
Aarya came out from the washroom.

"Also Ro meet my sister Aarya! Aarya meet Rohit Sharma sorry Ro."

"Hello Rohit!" Aarya greeted.

"Hello Aarya! Yo! And call me Ro not Rohit! Ok sis?"

"Sure!" She smiled and went and sat beside Virat.

"Good morning Cheeku!" Mahi greeted as he entered and hadn't noticed Ro yet.

"Good morning bhai!"

"Bhaiiiiiii" whined Ro.

"Oh Good morning Ro! Didn't notice you!"

"Hawww. I am not invisible to not notice. Why love for this rabbit?"

"I always told you he loves me more panda!" Said Virat in a mood to tease him.

"Why would he love you? He loves me more!"

"Oh sure. He love me moree! I have proof!"

"Hahaha. He gave me an ice cream treat!" He said poking tongue at him.
Virat gave an accusing look at Mahi, how could he treat Ro and not him.

"When?????" He yelled

"It was CSK and MI match tab raat ko after match."

"You toh never have time for me during RCB and CSK match huh?"

"It's nothing like that." Mahi defended.

"See he loves me more. Hehehehehhe." Rohit grinned.

Mahi was about to stop them from fighting but he noticed Aarya smiling at their fight so he didn't say anything.

They continued fighting about who Mahi Bhai loves more, Aarya remembered the same incident and how she was in Virat's place.


In the evening Aarya was sitting in the hall waiting for Virat and mother to come back. Just then Virat came in with pastry in his hand.

"You are having it alone?? How dare you???" Aarya yelled.

"Maa gave me! Why are you yelling at me?"

"Stop lying!"

"Why would I lie? She gave me! After all I am her favourite kid!"

"Who said that? You don't decide that!"

"Oh please! I know it, understood?"

"Nope. I am the one!"

"Oh please I am the one."

"Nope, I do all the work here, how are you the favourite?"

"You don't do any work! Just pretence!"

"Really? I help her out with her work!"

"That doesn't change the fact that I am the one she loves more!"

"Let it be! We will ask her after she comes back."

"Haan let's ask!"

"Ask me what?"

"That who is your favourite kid?"

"Both of you are equal to me."

"Maaa!" They yelled together

"You know na she is just saying to keep our hearts, but in reality I am her favourite!" Virat said.

"Nope, it's me!"

"Enough both of you! I love you both equally! Get this in your head! If I see you fighting on this again then see!" She warned

Both of them shut up.
Virat eyed at Aarya and mother saw him doing it and hit his head lightly and left.
Aarya giggled at that.


Aarya came out of her thoughts by Mahi's yell.

"STOP IT BOTH OF YOU!" Mahi yelled having enough of their fights.
They both instantly shut up.

"I don't want to see you both arguing or fighting over this!"

They both nodded.
Aarya rested her head on his shoulder and wrapped her hands around his arms.
Virat looked at her and patted her cheeks.

Waiter came with their breakfast and arranged it on the table. They settle around the table.
Virat gets halwa for Aarya which was prepared by him.
Seeing that she has a small smile on her face and asks "salt toh nahi dala na bhai?"

"You remember?"
She nods in yes.

"What?" Mahi asks

"I had come back from college and I was sad seeing my results. To cheer me up he prepared this halwa which is my favourite dish. He put salt instead of sugar. So I ate it happily saying it's very good, I loved it and all. He had the last bite and he understood how horrible it tasted and he hated that. He got angry at me that I lied to him. He wasn't talking to me for a while then I had to manofy him with his favourite ice cream." She narrated and laughed a bit
Mahi and Ro laughed at it. Virat was feeling happy seeing her interact with Mahi and open up a bit.

They had their breakfast in silence.

"Bhai halwa was good!"

"You liked it?"

"Yes ofcourse Bhai!"

He smiled.

Virat asked Mahi to come to the balcony to plan about catching Harshad.
Ro stayed with Aarya showing him wierd pictures of Virat to Aarya. She chuckled a bit at it. There was one picture where Virat was looking shocked with embarrassment clear on his face. Ro started laughing at that picture.

"What happened?"

"This picture! I can't forget about this incident!" He said and started laughing again.

"Tell na!"

"Okay so we were supposed to go for lunch, and I was in bathroom and he didn't knew that. Hahahaa. Apparently he was waiting for me at the entrance, so he came up to check on me and he saw a guy playing with his phone and he got angry." He started laughing again.


"Then he went to him without looking at him properly he started yelling at him like 'you are here playing with your phone, kab se ruka hoon, ye important hai kya etc etc.' he looked up and said excuse me then he realised it wasn't me and I came from behind calling him and he quickly apologised and ran away from there. I always irritate him on this from that day!" He said and started laughing again.
Aarya too started laughing at the story.

"That is embarrassing tho!"

"Hehe yeah!"
He continued showing her more wierd pics of Virat, which got a smile on her face.

"This was when Virat lost that fifa game against me and he sat faking anger!"

"Hehe, he always does this when he looses and then he will pretend to show sportsmanship. Hahaha!"

"And this was when his plan to wake me up by throwing a bucket of water failed and ulta it spilled on him! Then this is jealous Virat seeing Sam Curran clinging to Mahi Bhai, and jaddu added more masala to it!"

"It's fun when bhai gets jealous! It's entertaining to here his rants, you start laughing and the he will yell at you for laughing which makes you laugh more!"

"Hahaha truee!" Ro said laughing. She chuckled a bit.

Virat and Mahi were going to come inside but stopped seeing her laugh.

Virat looked at Mahi with moist eyes, Mahi assured with his eyes everything would be fine. He just stared at her with a smile at her.

Here's the update!!!!! Hope you liked it.
Sorry for being late!!


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