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I stared at him in horror as his mates pointed their guns towards my parents. A person whose back was facing towards me nods at them and they grab them putting the guns to their temple before pushing them to the sofa.

"No! Mom, Dad" I shouted as a sob escaped my lip and the person turned around and I finally saw it was none other than him.Jungkook.

Jungkook looked at me and smiled.

"So nice of you to join us. You saved me from a hell of a game of hide and seek. Such a good girl." He says and licks his lip looking at me from head to toe.

"Please don't hurt them!" I say as tears fall from my eyes.

"I warned you sweetheart" He says while walking towards. I began to back up but my back hit the wall.

"P-please I am so s-sorry, i-its my f-fault, don't h-hurt t-them." I said as I began to sob.

He looked at me then nuzzled his face in my neck causing me to sob harder and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Let go of my daughter!" My dad shouts at him but one of the people pushes him down and shouts at him to shut up.

Jungkook kisses my neck and I scream, causing him to grab my waist harder while bringing his mouth close to my ear.

"Let's go upstairs; you don't have to see this." He said

"NO! LET ME GO! DADDY!" I shouted trying to reach for my dad who was being held back by two of Jungkook's men. I thrashed Jungkook's grip but he ignored me and grabbed one of my hands in a tight grip. That's when I did the first thing that came to my mind.

I hurriedly grabbed the decoration piece beside me and winged it at his head, watching it as it shattered. He fell down and his grip from my wrist loosened. I grabbed another decoration piece and threw it at one of the gang members, distracting all of them.

"Mom, Dad run!!" I shouted at them as i made my way towards them but someone grabbed me from behind and i began to struggle with them sobbing,

"Let me go!" I screamed at them but they growled, my dad looked towards me and was about to come to my rescue when I shook my head, while thrashing in the person's grip.

"No, Dad, leave me." I said sobbing, he was about to shake his head but I screamed at him to go.

They hurriedly got up and made their way towards the back door as the gang members tried to shoot them. Soon I heard the back door open and a car started indicating they were safe. I screamed at the top of my lungs and the guy covered my mouth, which I bit hard.

He cursed and loosened his grip. I quickly brought my foot back and hit him hard at his family inheritance, making him let me go.

I took deep breaths and looked here and there for an escape route but all the doors were guarded by his men who were smiling wickedly at me. I saw a figure from the corner of my eye. Jungkook.

He was getting up and fast.

Not knowing what to do I ran past him, towards my room and soon heard a set of heavy footsteps behind me. I looked behind me and saw it was Jungkook and he did not look happy.

I ran into my room and quickly locked the door just as a body slammed into it.

"YN KATZ OPEN THE GOD DAMN FUCKING DOOR!" Jungkook shouted while banging at the door.

I hurriedly took out my cell phone from the back pocket and dialled 911.

"Hello 911, what's your emergency?" The person asked.

"Please help me! He's going to kill me! Please." I say hurriedly sobbing.

"Okay miss please tell me your-"

Suddenly I heard a gunshot and the door opened to reveal a pissed off Jungkook. I was about to run but Jungkook tackled me to the ground. He took the cell phone from my shaking hands and threw it against the wall, breaking it.

"Let me go!" I screamed and tried to punch him but he grabbed both of my wrists, putting pressure on them.

He pinned my arms above my head and stared at me. I looked at his eyes which were completely black, he was bleeding from his forehead because of the decoration piece i threw at him.

I couldn't stare at him any longer so I avoided his gaze and sobbed.

"Please someone help me!" I sob helplessly but Jungkook just laughs cruelly.

His grip on my wrists tightened and he brought his mouth near to my ear.

"I didn't know my angel was much of a fighter, too bad we'll find your parents soon and it would be for nothing." He whispered in a deathly calm voice causing a shiver to run down my spine.

He brought his lips near mine and was about to kiss me but I turned my face causing him to kiss my cheek. He laughed wickedly before slamming my wrists both on the floor grabbing them by one hand causing me to scream before crashing his lips on mine kissing me harshly.

I tried to get my arms out of his grip but nothing worked so i just continued to sob. Hot tears began ran down my cheek. Finally he stopped and touched our forehead together

"I am so sorry for this." He then placed a wet cloth on my mouth. Oh No! from watching countless movies I knew exactly what was going to happen.

I held my breath as more tears streamed down my face.

"Hush my beautiful girl. Everything is going to be okay. Trust me. Shh.." He said while wiping the tears from my face trailing his finger down my cheek to my neck.

Soon my lungs give out and I ended up breathing the chemicals. Suddenly my image became blurry, it was like my mind was shutting me out and no longer i passed out.

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