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Yn Katz's POV:

I looked at myself in the full length mirror with my two best friends, Jade and Layla, standing by my side admiring their hard work. My long brown hair was in a beautiful bun along with royal blue eyeshadow and pink lips. I was wearing a royal blue knee high dress with matching high heels, silver clutch and silver accessories.

'Why am I so dressed up?' You might ask. Tonight is the town's Guise ball. Since we live in a small town therefore such functions are held occasionally here.

"We look so hot" Jade said while twirling around in her copper coloured dress.

"Hell yeah" Layla replied while fixing her earring.

I laughed at them. I, Jade and Layla have been friends since first grade, so when they said they were coming over at my house to get ready for the Guise ball I wasn't too surprised but rather content on the idea.

I was making the last touches to my face when mom called us girls down.

"Yn, come downstairs with your friends, we are leaving in 5 minutes!" My mom yelled from the dining room.

We quickly put on our masks and went downstairs into the living room where my mom was straightening her long red dress.

"Looking beautiful girls," she said, smiling at us. We smiled and made our way to the car.

After driving for half an hour the car stopped in front of a beautifully decorated mansion. There were roses on both sides of the entrance and were lanterns illuminating the way to the entrance. It looked beautiful.

We got out of the car and made our way to the entrance. My mother had her arm locked in my fathers elbow walking gracefully while me, Jade and Layla walked behind them talking and laughing.

"This mask is so itchy! I don't think I will last even an hour here" Jade said while fixing her mask causing me to chuckle.

We entered the Mansion; I noticed that it looked more like a ballroom with tables at the corner of the room and people dancing in the middle.

Layla and Jade had abandoned me as soon as we entered and were dancing with their boyfriends while I sat alone in a corner playing minion rush on my cell phone..... The joy.

Suddenly I feel someone staring holes in the back of my head. I turn around to see a boy wearing a Black mask accompanied with a Black suit. He had brown hair and light brown eyes which were checking me out.

I rolled my eyes and continued to play on my phone as he smirked and made his way to the chair in front of me.

I continued to ignore him when suddenly someone snatched my phone.

"You know it's rude to ignore someone." He says while looking at my phone. His voice was deep and husky, making me shiver inwardly.

"And it's rude to snatch things from others." I retort while taking the phone from his hands as we fall into an awkwardly comfortable silence.

"Why is a pretty girl like you sitting all alone?" He asks after a few minutes.

"My friends ditched me" I say while pointing towards Jade and Layla causing him to nod.

"So why are you here?" I ask while taking off my mask.

"Business." He replies.

"Shouldn't you be busy talking to some more important people than me?" I ask.

He shrugs then and replies

"Already have."

"What kind of business do you do?" I asked curious. I mean he looked successful but was very young at the same time.

"Someone asks a lot of questions." He says, causing me to blush.

He continues to stare at me then suddenly asks "Do you want to dance?"

I think over it for a few minutes then reply "Sure I guess."

I wear the mask again as he takes hold of my hand and leads me to the dance floor. I place my hands behind his neck while he places his on my waist. I notice that both of his hands are heavily tattooed along with his collar bone, Truth be told he looked pretty scary but we should never judge a book by its cover right?

After dancing for a few minutes we finally sit down.

"Thank you for the dance." I say looking at him.

"It was my pleasure." He replies and continues to stare at me. I was starting to feel pretty uncomfortable from his stares. Truth be told, something about him was quite extraordinary and not in the good way I might I add but I just couldn't put my finger on it.

Suddenly his phone starts ringing, He checks the caller ID then gets up abruptly.

"I should be leaving. It was really nice meeting you....." He says

"Yn". I say

"See you soon Yn" He says and begins to leave.

"Wait! You never told me your name." I ask following him out the door only to find him in his car.

"It's all over the news darling." He says then removes his mask and my breathing gets caught in my throat and my eyes widen.

I just met the leader of the most ruthless gang ‘silla’ in town, the famous Jungkook Kwon at........ The Guise.


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