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xvi. outlet
tuesday, 9:36am

                               it was now morning, the sun shined brightly through the blinds. i hummed trying wake yourself up taking in the scenery.

i was now back in my room. the brunette laying beside me. he had probably put me in bed after i ended up falling asleep on the couch.

i was about to get up to go the bathroom when eren pulled me closer to him, my back now laying against his chest. " mm let's stay like this a little more." i laughed adjusting the covers over me so i could hide my face a little from the beaming sun.

a couple mins went by before i gotta call. i grabbed my phone off the nightstand answering it. "girl you up?" daejah said from the other side of the phone. "barely, what you need?"

"nothing i was thinking about coming over there later. you tryna go some where?" daejah said fixing the covers around her body and angling the phone on her face. "yea the cool with me"

eren groaned making his presence known before he began to sniff and stretch his throat sounding like a dying pig. "damn who the hell is that" daejah said laughing. i moved the camera a little showing a peak of eren's shoulder. "that better not be- wait is that eren. YALL BEEN HUNCHING?!?! WHERE HIS CLOTHES AT? daejah said yelling.

"girl shut the hell up. ima see you later bye. bye" i said before hanging up the phone and tossing it to the bottom of the bed. eren just laughed as he set up tying his hair back with a hair tie i had on the dresser.

he was now shirtless moving every so slightly exposing his tone back muscles and muscler arms. his eyes were low from just waking up and his face was a little puffy. ouu he is fiiine.

he turned around now facing me before giving me a small smile, grabbing my waist and laying his head into my lap. "ma i gotta get going in a few. i got business to take care of with jean"

"what kinda bussiness?"i said being nosey rising my eyebrows up at him. "you worried about me my ma?" he said putting his chin up on my thigh and looking up at me through his long lashes. "noo i'm just wondering what your going be doing"

"it's nothing illegal if that's what your thinking." he said putting his head back down on my lap. i hummed in response. "eren get up really quick. i gotta peeee" i whined.

"ma let's stay like this for five more mins"

"erennn c'monnn"

"fine" he said getting up having a slight attitude. "fix your face" i said getting up and pulling my sweater down so that it covered the bottom half of my body. "gimme a kiss, it'll help" eren said tapping his lips. i rolled my eye before going to my closet and grabbing some shorts.

before going into the bathroom i gave eren a kiss. "thank youuu amore mia" he called out as i walked to the bathroom. i did what i had to do afterwards i brushed my teeth and put my shorts on.

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