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xi. dinner
sunday, 3:44pm

                    "your drinks will be out in one moment." the server said with a smile before heading to the next table. we were at al rose. a famous restaurant in the area that took foreverr to get reservations.

"how did you mange to get reservations here?" i said as i looked around in awe. i've been to famous restaurants before but this was something completely different. "if i would've knew we were coming here i would've wore something better"

"i got connects and don't worry about how you look. you look beautiful in anything you wear" eren reassured. i playful rolled my eyes.

"whatchu getting to eat?" eren said as he closed his menu now putting all of his attention onto me.

"hmm" i said as i played with my bottom lip flipping through the pages of the menu. "umm the buttered garlic herb steak sounds good but..."

"ma don't look at the price just get it" he said closing my menu and putting it over his. he signaled the waiter over so that we could order. once we were done the waitress took our menu and sent our orders off to the chef.

☆ ✯ ☆



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@eren.yeager140 hearted your story

@dajjbby_1 replied to your story
with who?? so your cheating on me WOWW😒

@janaeyyy._ replied to your story
tell eren i said keep it in his pants but i'll love to be a auntie 🙈

-@1y.nnnn, don't get smacked 😐


who you out with?
read 3:56pm

ik you seen my messages
c'mon y/n
delivered 3:58pm

delivered 4:03pm

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unblock delete

"here you go sir" the waitress passed eren his plate along with his sides. i put my phone down now focusing all my attention on the waiter. "here you are ma'am" "thank you" she passed me my food along with a side of butter and some kinda sauce.

my meal consisted of steak smothered in garlic herb butter with mashed potatoes & broccolini. eren had spicy honey glazed salmon with pesto pasta and seasoned asparagus.

"y/n taste it c'monmm" he dragged out trying to put a fork full of pasta in my mouth. "it's greeennn" i said holding eren's hand back.

he was trying to get me to taste his pesto pasta but the color was throwing me off. it was a sage green color and smelt like basil. "say 'ahhh' & open wide" he said holding one of my hands down and moving the fork towards me in a plane motion. i closed my mouth closing my lips together tight.

"i promised you it's not bad" he held his hand under the fork waiting for me to complie. i opened my mouth taken the pasta from fork.

i scrunch my face up. " it's not completely bad it just taste... earthy" i said taking a sip of my drink tryna get the taste outta my mouth.

"earthy?" eren laughed.

☆ ✯ ☆

"what you think i got planned for you next?"eren said as we walked back to the car. "umm to be honest i don't know." i shrugged.

"good, don't try to figure it out. just let it play out" eren csaid opening the car door for me and walking over to the drivers side.

soon as we got in eren's phone rung. this was the third time it rang, twice at dinner and again now and i was started to get irritated. "you going answer it?" i grumbled. "fuck" i heard him mumble. "gimme one second y/n" eren said before getting out and walking over to the back of the car.

it wasn't my place to ask questions so i minded my business. but the thought of it being another girl kept fading into my mind. i felt as if i was being toyed with. i haven't known eren for that long so i don't have the right to be in my feelings, it's not like we were together but i hated not knowing who was on the other side of the phone.

a few minutes went by before eren came back into the car. he looked nervous, wearing the same expression he had on his face when he first came to pick me up. that same bittersweet look.

".... y/n can i raincheck? i got some stuff to take care of. im really sorry" he nervously said scratching the back of his neck. i nodded turning my head toward the window looking out of it.

as eren drove me back home i thought about my life within the last pass months. maybe i'm catching feelings for eren to fast. two weeks ago i cut all ties with porco even tho we've been broken up four months prior to that whole car incident.

i feel as if im moving to fast with eren but somewhere in my heart i felt like maybe eren was right for me. but at the same time i didn't wanna go through what i went through with porco this pass year & a half.

we eventually pulled up in front of  my place. " thanks for today eren" "no need to thank me ma. lemme help you take these bags in" eren said as he opened my door for me.

"no you don't have-" before i was able to finish my sentence eren had already picked my bags up and was heading over to the front door.

i sighed before unlocking the door and following behind eren as he walked to my room. he placed the bag onto my bed before turning his attention back to me.

"mi dispiace amore mio" eren said as he held the side of my face stroking my check. " let me make it up to you okay?" he said leaning down kissing my check.

'i'm sorry my love'


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