Unique Skills and the Importance of Names.

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6 figures are sat in a silver vehicle. A white haired male wearing an eyepatch and prosthetic arm is driving the vehicle. Next to him in the three front seats are a small blonde haired lady with red eyes, a teenage girl with black hair and eyes wearing a priestess' gown and a small child with light blue hair and fish like features sitting in the priestess' lap. In the back of the Vehicle are the other three, A woman, with platinum blur hair, average height, and rabbit ears, another more mature woman with Black hair and golden eyes wearing a black kimono with floral designs near the bottom, and a shorter androgynous figure with blue hair and golden eyes wearing a white T-shirt and baggy black jeans.

The blue haired figure looks upon the white haired male with pity, as nearly every woman in the vehicle,excluding the literal child, was vying for his affection in one way or another. The two in the front, Yue and Kaori, were holding some sort of argument about Hajime's, the white haired male, likes and dislikes. Shia, the platinum blue haired bunny girl, was sulking in being ignored, while Tio, The mature woman wearing a black Kimono, was writing on the floor because as she puts it, "Being ignored feels so good!"

Rimuru's Pov:

The idle chatter and... relaxed, for lack of a better word, atmosphere came to an end as Hajime said, in a not so indoor voice, "Hey we're pulling over here! We'll stop at this town and get some food for the trip in the desert."

"Nn." Yue, and subsequently everyone else in the car nodded in affirmation.

The car comes to a halt. Everyone gets out and Hajime stores Breze in his "treasure vault" the ring on his finger.

"Hajime." I call out to the boy as he attempts to take his entourage into town.

"What do you want." His tone informal and hostile as always, he turns around to face me.

"The ladies can go shopping by themselves. Can't they? I want to inspect your unique skills you don't seem to be using them despite the fact you clearly have them."

"Eh?! You can do that? Wait I'm getting of track. Ladies, You fine with getting the supplies yourself for a little? I myself want to figure out what these unique skills do."

Most of them give energetic affirmations such as Shia's, "you can count on me" but Yue approaches Hajime and speaks.

"Nn... I also got a unique skill when you saved me Hajime. I want to find out what it does." -Yue

"Huh, you do. What's it called, sometimes that can give a hint to its abilities without me having to analyze you." -Me

"Nn... The voice called it Companionship." -Yue

"Hmm. There's a lot of possibilities for that. A buff skill maybe? or maybe a skill that binds you and another person together? Either way, it sounds situational. Hajime, what were yours called?." -Me

"Hmm. It's a bit hard to remember, but I believe it was abyss monster, or something like that, and Inventor." -Hajime

"Two? I guess I'm not actually that unusual. Take that old man! First one sounds unusual, and the second one sounds self explanatory. Do you mind if I analyze you both, a bit more in depth of one than what i normally do." -Me

"I couldn't care less, if i can figure out what this does. These status plates are useless. You Yue?" -Hajime

"Nn... if Hajime will go with it so will I."

"I can see why that manifested as a unique skill." I mumble, "alright here I go."

Ciel, analysis please.

[gladly] she said with an unnerving excitement.

Your habit is surfacing again.

[Just your imagination. The analysis results are this:

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