Some small developments, A nearly fatal outburst. (Updated)

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Throughout the next couple weeks I tried a few things, A, summoning the other demonesses, but that posed 2 major problems. Testarossa had her soul completely shattered by Velgrynd and was still healing, it'd probably take another 100 years to fully heal, and Carrera, was still healing from the damage caused by Kondou, it'll likely take her another 1-2 months to heal back to proper fighting condition.

Also, Hajime seemed to finally be entering society according to Diablo, he cleared the Great-Raisen, labyrinth and it held gravity magic, useless I know. he was travelling with his mini-Luminous (but straight), and a bunny girl named Shia Haulia, she acted as their front line essentially a tank, in RPG terms. This guy was totally building a Harem right? RIGHT?!

{master... You can't criticize him, must I remind you, you had an entire country of women who would gladly entertain a relationship with you.}

{Don't... remind me Ciel. Please.}

{Sorry it slipped my mind.}

{It's all good.}

We've been here for 2 months now, and to be honest today was not a good day. and by that, I mean today is the anniversary of Tempest's destruction. I was supposed to descend into the labyrinth as well today but opted not to. I stored my furniture into Azathoth and Built a shrine large enough to hold a small photo of every one of my close subordinates. the shrine had 4 layers, At the top, a picture of Shizue, followed by a picture of Kenya, Ryota, Alice, and Gale, Shizu's candles were lit with normal fire, Class S' was lit with my black fire, to remind me that my hands weren't clean and I murdered them. The second layer was that of my executives, Shuna, Shion, Souei, Benimaru, Geld, Gabiru, Ranga, and Gobta. Shion, Souei, and Benimaru had black flames. The Ten dungeon marvel's were next on the next layer. Finally, the bottom layer was huge mass of candles, scattered all across my floor, all lit with black flames.

{Ciel, please replicate Shizu's mask and watch my aura, I'm sure you already know the drill by now.} I say as I let myself fall to my knees in the center of the room, placing a sound barrier to account for the emotional turmoil I'm about to release.

{Understood master,} she says placing a bit of herself into a clone (same one I described last chapter) and embracing me from behind.

"Thank you Ciel." I say, tears already starting to run down my face.

"Your welcome master." she says in a soft gentle voice.

And then I begin, closing my eyes and putting myself in a dogeza, "Shizu-san, I'm sure your getting sick of my apologies, and I'm not sure you'll ever forgive me, but once again. I'm sorry," the tears begin gushing out as if a dam burst.

" I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'M SORRY, sorry I couldn't keep my promise, sorry that your students deaths weren't caused by natural causes.." I choke up at this point.

"I'm sorry I killed them. I was supposed to protect them. YET I KILLED THEM, WITH MY OWN TWO HANDS!" I yell slamming my hands on the floor, cracking the floor where my tears have began to puddle.

"there's only so much apologizing I can do, if you were here to tell me how to repent this would all be so much easier. If I was told to repent by shattering my very soul and never coming back I may very well do so." the tears that had puddled in the dent now began spilling over and rolling to the base of the candles.

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