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Velgrynd POV:

As the darkness dissipates I am met with an oh so familiar tan male with blonde hair, and a purple haired demon, the primordial violet or I guess Ultima now.

"Kwahahaha sister that was truly brilliant even being able to destroy his clothes is definitely a feat beyond most comprehension." My annoying little brother praises us both as he flips through his beloved picture books.

"And what are you doing just sitting here, shouldn't you have helped him if you're his ally again."

"Nah, I am helping him, by bolstering his magicule reserves with my own. And I guess you'll be out on that job as well since he didn't kill you."

"Would've been a mercy if he did, now I'm stuck here with you."

"Aww, sister that hurts."

I then remind him why he was so scared of me in the first place, and for some reason he was unable to fight back. Although at this moment in time he would've won.

"Owww, sister that hurts!" He yells while I have him in an arm-bar.

Finally after a couple of minutes I hear a distinctively female yet cold robotic voice, "I see you've accustomed yourself to the skill-less environment I've created for you and your brother."

"And who might you be, because that's not Rimuru's voice, but it's definitely his presence."

"My name is inconsequential to you, but I am one of Rimuru's skills, your skill Raguel lord of charity has a control circuit in it, and it has been influencing your thoughts."

"HUH! You're telling me that someone overpowered my mental resistance."

Veldora butts in, "not just someone but Michael, the man in that body you love so much."

"... you're right... I should've noticed when I didn't kill him on the spot after he told me he wasn't Rudra but rather Michael."

The realization that my rudra is gone hits me like one of Rimuru's punches, and my emotions betray my actual thoughts, I can't feel any actual hatred towards Michael.

"I can solve your problem if you wish, all you must do is make a deal with me." The voice states as it manifest in a modified clone of the slimes body. It's modified with red eyes and a slightly shorter statue but the rest of the features remain the same.

"What are the terms?" I ask quite suspiciously.

"Make a soul corridor with master and supply him with your magicules, and I will return your freedom of thought and provide a way to locate the shattered pieces of your beloved soul."

"That's all? it feels skewed in my favor to be honest."

"That's because it is, I wish for you to owe us a favor."

"Blunt very much. Fine then, deal."

Rimuru POV:

"Rimuru we need to talk." Kouki says looming over me.

yet before I could even change expression Shizuku tackles Kouki to the ground and shoves her palms over her eyes.

"Her clothes are tattered look away assholes!" She yells to everyone else in the room, Hajime was looking away toward Yue and seems to have been lost in his own little world ever since Kouki started talking.

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