Chapter 12

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Chaewon was wrong when she assumed it was Sakura's wary gaze she'd have to avert. When she stepped into the living room of the suite, Kazuha was sitting on a bar stool alone with her arms and legs crossed. Her head came up when she saw her, her eyes as fiery as she'd ever seen them.

"What the hell's going on?"

Lovely. This so wasn't what she needed right now. Thankfully, the suits were gone and her parents were nowhere to be seen.

Chaewon held up her hands to stop her from going into the bedroom. "Kazuha, let it go. I've already had to deal with one irate woman today, I can't take another."

"She's being an ass, isn't she? We heard the press conference in the car on the way over, but it doesn't give her the right to treat you like this."

"I can handle Yunjin. I'm not some wimpy girl. Where are parents?"

"Sakura took them in the other room so they didn't have to listen to World War III."

Chaewon's eyes slid shut. Great. Just great. Their first impression of her would be her screaming at her wife.

"You did amazing today," Kazuha said softly. "That's part of the reason Yunjin's so pissed. You had those reporters eating out of the palm of your hand."

She stifled a pathetic laugh. "Really? That's not the impression Yunjin gave me."

The door opened behind her, and she sensed Yunjin step into the room.

Kazuha shot her a glare. "Are you done throwing your little temper tantrum?"

"Kiss my ass."

Kazuha took a step toward her. "I'd rather kick it. You're being a complete ass with my sister, and you know it."

"You wanna hit me?" Yunjin huffed, throwing her arms out invitingly. "Go ahead. You aren't the first Park to want to do that today."

Chaewon pushed her way between the two. "You're both idiots if you think this adolescent sparring is going to help the situation at all"

Yunjin's gaze shot to her, and her face paled. "You're bleeding."

"What?" Chaewon touched her lip. "Damn. It's just a bloody nose." She tilted her head back and took the tissues Kazuha offered, pressing them against her face.

The door across the room opened. Yunjin grasped her hand and pulled her back toward the bedroom. "Come on, let's get you cleaned up before you have to see them. Kazuha, run interference...please?"

Kazuha frowned but nodded and headed in the opposite direction.

Yunjin propped Chaewon up on the long marble vanity in the suite's master bathroom. She handed her fresh tissues while she pinched the bridge of her nose to stop the flow of blood.

"Don't look so concerned," she tried to joke. "It's no big deal. I get them all the time."

"You do?" Yunjin took the bloody tissues, grimaced, and handed her a fresh one.

"Yeah, usually when I'm stressed. I think this whole day classifies as stressful."

Yunjin rested her hands on the counter, one on each side of her thighs. "I'm sorry. I was out of line yelling at you before. I'm not mad at you. I'm just frustrated with this whole thing. And now to have the press swarming... It infuriates me. I shouldn't have taken it out on you."

Chaewon looked at her over the mound of tissues pressed to her face. "Did you mean it when you said this was all my fault?"

"Of course not. If you haven't figured it out yet, I have a temper."

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