Chapter 9

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A heart attack had to feel better than this. The wretched ache in Chaewon's chest was worse than any physical pain she'd endured during or after her time in the hospital. And that was saying a lot considering she'd already died once.

Unable to bear it anymore, she slipped out of her office and made her way over to see Kazuha. She seemed to be closer to Yunjin than anyone else. Maybe she could tell her what she should do.

Kazuha was on the phone when she peeked her head around the doorjamb, standing near the window. When Kazuha turned her way, she forced a smile she didn't feel and waved.

She motioned her in and gestured she'd be just a minute.

Chaewon checked out her office while she finished her conversation. Shelves were in various states of disarray. Field research lay scattered across her desk.

Moving by her desk, she noticed the framed photo next to the computer. It was of her, Yunjin and Kazuha. She was standing in the middle, wearing a cap and gown, grinning from ear to ear. Kazuha had her arm around her shoulders, sporting the same one sided smile, and Yunjin was on her other side, her arm around her waist, a smirk across her beautiful face.

She picked up the photo, ran her finger along the faces. Was it really her? It was like looking at someone else's life. She didn't remember the day. Couldn't, for the life of her, figure out why they were all smiling.

"College graduation," Kazuha said softly.

"I see that." She hadn't even heard her end her conversation. "I guess it never occurred to me you'd have pictures. From before, I mean."

"We have lots of pictures. I can get you some if you want. You can look through them, see if it helps."

"I think I'd like that." She set the frame down and drew in a deep breath. "I was hoping we could talk. If this is a bad time, I can come back."

"No, this is a good time." Kazuha glanced out the door. Chaewon didn't miss the way her secretary was staring at them with suspicion. "Are you up for a walk?"


Kazuha led her down to the lobby, slipped on her sunglasses. They headed toward the riverfront.

"I'm assuming you heard about what happened yesterday?"

Kazuha slid her hands into her jacket pockets. "Yeah, I did. Are you okay? You don't look very good."

Her brow quirked. "No, huh? Well, I don't feel very good. Nothing like having everything hit all at once. Yunjin was a little ticked when she left."

"Yunjin has a temper," Kazuha said as they walked into the park. "She doesn't handle it well sometimes."

"Well, that's a surprise," she tossed back sarcastically. "She wouldn't even let me talk."

"You've got to understand, this is really hard for her. She changed after you disappeared, shut down in a lot of ways."

"Just what is your relationship?"

"She's my best friend. She was before you two were even an item. But," Kazuha added, "that doesn't mean I won't slap her face when she's being an idiot. Especially when it involves you."

The determination in her voice made her smile. "Why is it so much easier for me to talk to you than it is to talk to her?"

"Because I'm your sister."

Warmth closed around her heart. She'd never thought she had a sister.

"And I don't want anything from you," Kazuha went on. "Except to get to know you again, to be your friend. Yunjin wants her wife back."

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