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I could not sleep that night.

Eventually I gave up and investigated the room for any clues. It couldn't be Melody or Ember, they were both rather short, and the assasin was rather tall.

I brewed an Identification potion, and dipped a vial of the slimy stuff that was on the mushrooms into it.

"Reveal" I breathed in a magic ladden version of Italian.

My family was known for Alchemy, and combined with my Magic language, Italian, I could create some really strong potions.

Intresting. It was a flarton potion (A.n: sorry if i spelled it diffrent than last chapter)

That would explain how it stopped the mushrooms from glowing.

The Assassin would do it so I couldn't see more of them, but they would have had to put it on right as they attacked, because it woke me up.

So how did they put it on when they were all the way across the room?

I walked back to the mushrooms, and I investigated for a moment.


Why was that wallpaper peeled back a little bit?

I peeled it, and was astonished at what I saw.

A vast machine, hidden so it could drop potion without being nearby.

This was no normal murder attempt.

This machine would have taken months to make, and all just for one murder attempt?

Why me?

However, I knew that it narrowed down my suspects a lot.

It had to be sombody who has acsess to my dorm room.

That included all the teachers, the prefects, and my roomates, who were already ruled out.

I peered past the machine.

There was empty space behind it. And there was a figure in that room.

I quickly covered up the hole and fell into a troubled sleep.


After a long day of boring classes, I decided to enter the most forbidden place... the teachers lounge.

After all, It was likely sombody who was a teacher.

I downed another invisibility potion, and force fed Esme some, too.

I waited outside the lounge for around five minuites. Eventually, a teacher came out, and I snuck inside so they wouldnt notice the door moving unnaturally.

To be honest, I was kind of disapointed.

Legends and theorys that were passed around were about it containing hot tubs, a pool, a buffet, ect.

This was vastly diffrent.

There were a couple massage chairs and a fridge containing drinks, and a coffee machine and a small buffet containing appatizers and snacks, it was way off from the hotel like image i had imagined.

Suddenly a teacher left. This wasn't too important, but they left their master keys behind, on the vending machine.


I'm sure you can guess that I took them.

They would probably never know sombody took them, and would get new ones and forget they ever lost them.

I snuck to the janitors closet.

"Oh great. Another thing to get me in trouble about." Esme grumbled.

I fumbled with the keys for a moment before sticking them into the lock.

"And you'll blame it all on me." He continued.

"Quiet! Do you want to get caught?"

I turned the key and grasped the doorknob.

Then my heart stopped.

The lights had gone out again.

And I was out in the open, a prime target for whoever was hunting me down.

I heard a slimy sort of squishing noise, and I knew that it was there.

I dashed down the oposite hall, and ducked into the closest classroom, Mrs. Lomore's.

I hid in a cabnit below the sink, holding my breath and clutching Esme tight.

"Why have you come here. Your supposed to be hunting them down."

A voice drawled. Because I was holding my breath, I couldn't recognise it.

One lured me here. I don't know who or where they are. They might be the one we are looking for.

The voice sounded like it was vibrations coming from my heart. I felt it more than I heard it.

"We will have to wait for now." The voice faded off, like they were walking away.

Eventually the light flickered on, and I released my breath, but still being cautiosly still.

It sounded like sombody was hunting me down, and wanted me dead.


The victim that day was Teddy Asterol.

He was found dead on the floor of the hallway.

He was alone at the time of the murder, and so there was no more new information.

One thing was for certain though, somebody will die every power outage until they catch who they want.


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