He pressed himself up against me on the door, his tongue searching for mine. Mason broke from the kiss by kissing my cheek and working his way down to my neck. Thank God I bought the turtleneck to go with that outfit. I can wear it if I ever land an interview. My hands wound into his hair, and my head rested against the door, breathing heavily. 

He pulled away and looked at me. I opened my eyes and looked at him. My core inside was throbbing, upset at him for just leaving me hanging. I must have pouted because he laughed softly. "What's the matter?" He asked casually. 

"That was mean," I mumbled, feeling like a kid. A slight smirk played across his lips. "I'm sorry," he said mockingly. He stepped back slowly, keeping the smirk on his face. I looked down at the floor, not wanting to maintain eye contact with him. 

"What in that mind of yours?" I heard Mason ask me. Shaking my head, I kept my gaze on the floor. "Nothing", I mumbled. He put his finger under my chin, guiding me to look up at him. His eyes were dark but curious. "Are you lying to me?" He asked, his voice quiet. It was so hard to breathe around him without feeling like I was constantly panting or gasping for air. And I was okay with that. 

I walked up to him, wrapping my hands around his neck. "No," I whispered to him. He dropped his hand and wrapped his arms around me. I frowned at the sound of his phone ringing. He pulled away and grabbed his phone out of his pocket. 

"What?" He asked into the phone. Mason looked at me, quite annoyed at the person on the phone, mouthing out 'I'm sorry' to me. I smiled softly, letting him know his apology was accepted. 

Figured to let him have his moment, I walked into the kitchen, breathing a sigh of relief, opening the fridge, and grabbing a bottle of water. I opened the bottle, taking sips to cool myself down. Sitting the bottle down on the counter, I felt a pair of hands grab my waist, causing me to jump before realizing who it was. 

I felt Mason's body press against mine, pushing me against the counter. "I'm sorry, baby girl, but I've got to take care of something back at the office," he breathed into my ear, sending shivers down my spine. He kissed the side of my head. I must have whined at the sound of him leaving because he chuckled. "We'll do a rain check." Before he let me go, walking out of the kitchen. I turned around and watched him walk out, closing the door behind him. 

I frowned once the door closed. The silence in my own home was loud and ringing in my ears. Grabbing my phone from the counter, I decided to call Amanda. She answered on the second ring. 

"Hey! How'd it go?!"

"Hot, but not quite hot as it was that night in his office." Sounding disappointed towards the end. 

"You sound 'frustrated'." She emphasized frustration. 

"Eh, he seemed frustrated as well. But enough of that, how did it go at work today?" I wanted to change topics. Anything to get him out of my mind would help. 

Amanda attended the events when she went to work, but I was half paying attention. 


I placed Amanda on speaker. "Sorry, that was a text. I'm still listening." I reassured her, opening up my messages.

From: Mason

To: Olivia

What're you doing tomorrow night?

Immediately, I had to text him back.

To: Mason

From: Olivia

Nothing. Why?

The three chat bubbles appeared until the blue chat bubble came up on my screen.

To: Olivia

From: Mason

Great, I'll pick you up. 

I wanted to squeal and jump around like a little schoolgirl. Amanda caught my attention.

"Pornstar say what?" She said quickly. 

"Huh? What?" And then it hit me when Amanda laughed hysterically. 

"You whore! I'm sorry! I was distracted by him. He asked me out tomorrow." 

Amanda's laughing stopped. "Oh damn. Already?" 

"Well, yeah, I mean, we kind of got interrupted by his work." 

Amanda sighed, "What if he has another woman in his life, Olivia?" Not these questions, Amanda.

"I highly doubt it."

Amanda's tone got serious. "I'm not kidding, Olivia. You've seen him. He could practically have any girl that steps foot in his life. I don't want to see you get hurt." Her tone gets soft at the end. 

"I know Manda. I don't think that's the case. I mean, I'm not saying he doesn't have women wanting him, but I don't think he's going around seeing other women." I wanted to sound strong when I said that, but a part of me felt like Amanda was telling the truth. Was he? Is that who called another woman? The scent of his cologne lingering was enough to pull me out of the deep thoughts. 

We continued conversing, just random stuff. Amanda and I continued the conversation for a bit before she got a call from her parents to check in with her. Hanging up the phone, I was scared. More so because I didn't want to get hurt, but I knew what he had said to me that night in his office.  When we made that agreement, Mason had so much seriousness behind it that I wouldn't have doubted or shouldn't have doubted him. 

I felt silly for even thinking such thoughts. Walking out of the kitchen, I slipped on my running shoes and grabbed my earbuds, sticking my phone in my pocket on my shorts before grabbing the keys and walking out of the house, locking the door behind me. Maybe a run would be worth the while. 

I picked up my pace, listened to music, and focused on breathing. Thoughts of what Amanda had said flashed back. 

"What if he has another woman in his life?"

Amanda tended to worry a lot and thought of the worst outcomes possible. But she doesn't know what was said that night in his office. Do I tell her and risk her making fun of me for just agreeing to that? Would anyone do that if they were in my shoes? Hell, what about his secretary at his apartment complex? Would she agree to that? 

As the questions flooded my mind, I found myself pushing myself harder. What if he has another woman? I would run harder. Focusing on my surroundings, I was at a park. My jogging slowed, and I walked over to the bench to have a seat to catch my breath. 


I fished my phone out of my shorts pocket, unlocking the phone. 

6:05 PM

From: Amanda

To: Olivia

Chin up. It sounds like you're falling for him hard. I don't want to see you get hurt. I care about you; you're like a sister to me. And I swear... If he ever hurts you, he's messing with the wrong person. I love you. 💖

I texted her a quick response, and once the message was delivered, I locked my phone and put it back in my pocket. Standing up from the park bench, I did a good few minutes of stretching before jogging back to my place. 

It was about a little after 8:00 when I arrived back at the house. As I walked through the front door, I closed the door and went straight into the kitchen, grabbing water and chugging the whole bottle. I was sweaty, and I felt downright disgusting, feeling the shorts and the sports bra clinging to my damp skin. I kicked off my shoes and went to the bedroom, went into the bathroom, and started the shower, ensuring the water was lukewarm. 

Stripping off my clothes and undergarments and throwing them in the hamper, I walked into the shower and let the water fall on my back. Feeling the water massaging my back felt relaxing enough to take the edge off. But that left room for other thoughts to flood in. And boy, have I got it bad for him. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14 ⏰

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