Chapter 7

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A couple of hours passed, and job hunting took a toll on me. Of course, Mason looking like a total snack wasn't helping... at all.

I lay flat on my bed on my back. 


"Now what?" I mumbled under my breath. I was starting to get a little grumpy, given the circumstances. 

From: Mason

To: Olivia

What are you up to?

A text came quickly across my phone from Amanda. I switched back to my inbox and pulled up mine and her texts. 

From: Amanda

To: Olivia


From: Amanda 

To: Olivia

Call me! Now!!

I pressed the call button and held my phone to my ear, waiting for her to pick up.

"Amanda, what's going-"

"So your hunk of a man came here, and uh, let's say he should be showing up at any minute."

I bolted upright in bed, my heart pounding out of my chest. I could feel the temperature in the room drop unless it was just me. 

"Really?" Coming out as a whisper.

"Olivia, are you alright? You're acting like you've never met him before."

This could be a blessing in disguise or a nightmare. 

"Yeah, I'm good. Just took me by surprise," my voice cracked as I cleared my throat. 

"Uh-huh, yeah. And unicorns exist." Amanda said sarcastically. 

"Well, thanks for the heads up.. I'll let you know how it goes."

Before the conversation could go any further, I hung up the call and slammed my phone down next to me. Then, an idea hits me. 

A good twenty minutes went by, and the doorbell rang. I looked into the mirror one last time before putting on a light coating of chapstick. I managed to throw on a sports bra and some shorts and figured I'd use the excuse that I was going out on a run. Let's hope he doesn't ask to join me. 

Opening the front door, I was greeted by what Amanda called my 'hunk-of-a-man' in his usual suit. My face already felt hot as his eyes looked me up from the bottom and slowly went up to my eyes. Not realizing what I had done, I stepped aside to let him in. Mason smiled, taking a step in before turning around to face me. I closed the door, turning around to face him. 

"Hi," I whispered shyly. 

He placed his hands in his suit pants pockets and smiled. "Hey".

I found myself putting my back against the wall. "I was getting ready to go out for a run when you rang." I found myself looking down at my socks, still feeling extremely shy. 

"Is that so?" He said softly. When I looked up at him, expecting him to be where he was, his hand pressed against the door next to me. His cologne, damn his cologne, was intoxicating me. And indeed, he knew what effect it was having on me because I found my lips slightly parted, all air sucked right out of me. He took the back of his right hand and stroked my cheek gently. 

"Well, don't let me stop you." He whispered, getting closer to me. As if hypnotized, I leaned in and gently kissed his lips. I pulled back slowly and opened my eyes, looking up at him. His eyes were looking down into mine, confused. And then he leaned in again, giving me a small, tender kiss that turned into hunger.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14 ⏰

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