Chapter 22

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Summer finished getting ready then went out into the hotel room where Connor waited on the bed.

"Ready, beautiful?"


"I promise we don't have to go".

"I want to, I'm sure" she smiled at him then nodded and grabbed the car keys so they could leave. Connor knocked on the door before opening it and letting them in himself. They followed the voices to the kitchen.

"Oh, we didn't hear you come in. We're glad you made it" Lee said leaning against the island.

"Yea, so are we" Summer smiled softly.

"That's my sister Taylor and her boyfriend Mason" Connor introduced.

"Summer" she said reaching out to shake their hands "it's really nice to meet you".

"Yea, you too. Enjoying your trip so far?" Taylor asked.

"I am, it's been fun. We went out after lunch, did some bowling and walked around downtown for a bit".

"Sounds fun. How are things back in Boston?"

"Same old. How was work this morning?" Connor asked.

"Tiring. Got off and took a long nap, now I'm ready for drinks" she half laughed "Josh and Eleanor on their way?"

"Mhm. He said he's down the road, should be here any second".

"Good. Then help me set the table, honey, so we can eat when they get here" Cora said to Taylor who nodded.

"I can help too" Summer offered and Cora smiled as she accepted it. They took a couple of dishes each and went to the dining room.

"Hey" Joshua said as he and Eleanor walked into the kitchen.

"Hey, you made it".

"Where is she?" Eleanor asked with a beaming smile.

"This is all she's been talking about on the way over" Joshua said.

"Um, she's in the dining room helping my mom and Taylor set the table".

"She's setting a table at your parent's house? Oh my god, we might have another wedding soon" she squealed as she hit Connor's arm.

"I'm not even going to comment on that. Come on" he said "babe, this is Eleanor".

"Oh, hi. I'm Summer".

"I know. Are you a hugger?"

"I can hug, yes" Summer smiled before they did just that.

"It's really nice to meet you Summer. Joshua was just telling Connor how I wouldn't shut up about it. How are you Mrs. Griffin?"

"I'm well, honey, yourself?"

"Really good. It's an amazing week".

"Yes it is, you look radiant".

"9 hours of sleep every night and an excessive amount of water, it's been god sent".

"You look good" Taylor complimented "of course, your groom could look better".

"I have a haircut before the wedding, thank you" Joshua defended himself.

"I can't complain because I know how you look after haircuts" Eleanor laughed. Everyone started taking their seats and putting food on their plate to eat. They thanked Cora and complimented the meal extensively.

"Oh, excuse me" Summer said as her phone rang then she left the room to answer.
"Hi, dad".

"Hey, sweetheart. Sorry, I'm just now seeing your text. So you're there?"

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