Chapter 13

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"To officially celebrate the end of midterms" Avery said raising her glass of champagne first then Summer, Josie, and Kamryn followed.

It had been a week since they got back from their trip. After midterms they decided to meet up for dinner, a break before getting back to studying to finish off the year.

"So when's your graduation?" Kamryn asked Avery.

"May 16th, so four days before you".

"And what are we doing to celebrate? Oh let's do a girls trip" Josie suggested and they all agreed.

"I'm really happy for you guys" Summer said congratulated them.

"You're not far behind, one more easy semester. Josie on the other hand" Kamryn giggled.

"Shut up, I'm working on it. One more year".

"We're just teasing, I'd say we're a pretty bad ass group of bitches. Let's order dessert" Avery said calling a waitress over.

Josie was currently working on her masters in health administration and Kamryn was in her second year of PA school. She and Avery would be graduating this semester, then Summer, then Josie.
After eating dessert, drinking more champagne, and talking they decided to call it a night. They gave each other hugs and said their goodbyes before going their separate ways.

"Uh, what's he doing here?" Avery asked as they got out of the car and noticed Connor standing by his. Summer picked up her phone to make sure she didn't have a missed notification.

"No idea" she shrugged "give me a second".

"Want me to wait?"

"I'll be okay. See you upstairs" Summer said before walking over to him.

"Hi" Connor said.

"What are you doing here?"

"I wanted to talk. Please".

"Okay" she shrugged then let him continue.

"Um, about how we left things, I'm sorry. You mean so much to me and you always will, I guess I just thought that I was helping you by letting you go. Your father wasn't wrong, our relationship puts your future on the line and I wouldn't forgive myself if that all went to shit because of me".

"Look Connor, I don't need a smoothed out version of why you don't want to be with me. I get it, you did it to protect me, but nothings going to change".

"That's not what I'm saying. I'm just letting you know where my mind is at. We avoided the topic while we were together and when your father brought it up, I thought something would click for you and you'd see that I'm not worth it. None of this is to say that I don't want to be with you, because I do. More than anything. You made me happy and all of it was worth it to me. It still is and I don't want to give it up because I'm scared".

"So just fuck everything that happened? You hurt me Connor. You had an opportunity to fight for me, for us, and you didn't" she said trying to keep her voice even.

"I know. I thought if I did, you'd end of resenting me anyways. I couldn't handle that from you, I know it, so I let you go".

"And now you want me back, what until my father decides to blow up on you again and you run out?" 

"He came and talked with me" Connor said and Summer's eyes widened in confusion.

"When?" She asked.

"When you got back from your trip. He talked things out with me, told me to really think about what I want. It's you Summer, it's been you since the moment I kissed you in my office. You do something to me, something I can't explain, but it's all I ever crave. I fooled myself into thinking I could just move on, not when you have this hold over me. I know I fucked up and you have no obligation to take this apology, but the way I feel about you isn't gonna change. So whatever you need, whether it's space or time or to take it slow, I will give it you but I'm not going anywhere" Connor said and took a step towards her.

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