Chapter 2- School Celebrity

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Y/N ---

As I make my way towards my form class, I can't help but overhear the excited chatter pouring out from the group of people in front of me.

"Someone told me a new guys's joining our year!"
"Finally! When's the last time we had a new person? Like- ages ago!"
"And you know what's even better?"
"They say he's pretty hot too!"

It's about then I decide I've had enough and walk past them, fighting back my visible cringing expression. My mind is quick to come up with ideas of who this 'school celebrity' is- but they aren't pretty pleasant. Whoever he is, I don't really care.

Once in my classroom, I stare at the new seating plan that's been displayed on the board. The space next to my name is blank. Maybe I'll get to sit alone this term! I plop down onto my chair in the middle row closest to the window and take out my pencil case. It's a shade of purple, my favourite colour, specifically lilac. I fiddle with my pens out of pure boredom as classmates all around me flock to their seats and talk.

A gentle, weak breeze floats into the classroom, bringing with it the smell of- cut, wet grass?? No thank you! I ask the person beside me to shut the window.
"Nah, sorry, I'm still a bit warm. I'll close it in a few minutes."
"Oh. No problem, thank you." I reply with a subtle smile. Guess I'll have to suck it up for now.. I'm hoping these 'few minutes' will go by quick.

My form tutor, who we've had last year, is Mrs Szymańska, a middle aged woman with dirty-blonde hair and round rimmed glasses, or Harry Potte glasses as I like to call them. Her hair reaches just below her shoulders and she's always wearing some sort of dress. She's a nice person, but I've never quite wanted to interact with her more than necessary.

"Right class! Good afternoon and welcome back. I'm not ready to get back into work, but I can tell you aren't either. So let's just chill for today, so long as you all are relatively quiet. Now I'm going to start the register.


My attention leaves the register and goes to what book I should read next. Maybe I should try out an old, classic book for fun? Nah, they look a bit boring. I've read all of this series, read all of that.. I could try another romcom? You can never go wrong with those. Or, a-

The classroom door swings open, and everyone's head turns towards it within the blink of an eye, me included. A tall guy walks in, and the buzz around me verifies my suspicions- it's the new student. I'm still curious why someone would move schools right at the end of high school, but whatever reason it was, it must've been very important.

The new guy has smooth tanned skin, unusually red eyes I'm assuming are contacts and sleek black hair that's slicked back, with the exception of a bold red streaked strand that hangs above his chiseled face like that of a Greek statue (this is my avid book reader brain talking). He's wearing the standard school uniform but has the shirt untucked, and the tie looks a bit rough already. Okay, maybe he's a bit decent looking. But by his current demeanor, he's looking to be no different than the other boys here personality-wise.

Mrs Szymańska looks at the time and as if on cue, the bell lets out an ear-splitting ring. The school really needs to fix that.

"Class, let's welcome our new student,
Damian Scott!"

The room again erupts into loud discussion, and many people try to start a conversation with Damian, who nonchalanly replies to a few. I gaze idly at my desk, pretty much uninterested. The chatter dies down just enough for the teacher to speak again.

"Your seat will be..

Next to Y/N."

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