Chapter 2 - The Relic

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Though it was night and the stars were visible, the sky was painted with purple nebulae. It was a sight to behold and a young woman was beholding it, as she sat quietly on a stone bench, in a large courtyard, away from the lights of the monumental building behind her. She liked it there, in the quiet twilight.

"Zeeva?" someone called out to her in a soft female voice.

The young woman turned to find an exotic-looking lady standing a few feet away. Oddly, she had green feathers where you'd normally expect to see hair. And she was wearing a delicate green dress that looked like it was made of tree leaves and silvery morning dew.

"Lady Anyah," the young woman greeted her, in a clean British accent, "I came a little too early, sorry."

She stood up and came into the light, revealing her copper-red hair. It was short, a simple bob haircut that complemented the shape of her cute, pixie-like face perfectly. Her skin was a light bronze, a healthy tan. Her posture held an effortless, yet powerful elegance. Her eyes, bright hazel gemstones, overflowed with sharp intelligence, but also... there was a subtle kind of sadness there, as if it were simply a part of her. Her atire wasn't remotely as luxurious as the feather-haired lady's. She was wearing a black leather jacket, a red tank top and black jeans, with short shafted leather boots. Around her neck was a black leather choker than gave her a slightly dangerous look.

"No need to apologize, my dear," Anyah told her kindly, "Come. Let us take a look at you. How have you been feeling lately? Any discomfort?"

"None," Zeeva reported, following Anyah into the building and down a long fancy corridor, "I feel great. As you know, whatever it is you did, it never bothered me at all."

"That is good to hear," the woman smiled pleased, "So, it will be a routine checkup today. Oh, there is one other thing however, Volund asked me to inform you, he would very much like to see you, if possible, after the examination."

"Oh, okay," she accepted, "In his study?"

"No," Anyah replied calmly, "You will find him in the library. I believe he wants to show you something. In his last voyage, he discovered a relic of some kind. He talks of nothing else."

"A relic?" Zeeva wondered, "What kind of relic? And why does he want ME to see it? It doesn't have anything to do with my foresight, does it?"

"I am afraid, I am not entirely sure," she answered in an odd tone, "He told me it is sealed by some kind of ancient spell, something that stumped him."

"Something that STUMPED him???" Zeeva took notice, "Wow... I don't think I've ever heard his name and the word stumped in the same sentence before... I have no idea what he expects me to do for him, but sure, I'll drop by there later."

They walked a bit further, until they stood at a tall door. Inside, was a large white room full of smooth rounded instruments and a kind of medical chair. Clearly, Zeeva had been there before, she knew exactly what to do, walking over casually, sitting on the chair, and laying her head back on the headrest. Anyah fiddled with the magical-looking equipment and started measuring something. Then, a light appeared at Zeeva's forehead. A moment later, from the light, came a small circular stone charm, somewhat like a coin, about and inch in diameter.

It hovered over her forehead, as Anyah examined it, "Everything seems to be in perfect working order," she noted calmly, "No unexpected alterations... Yes... This is very good indeed. Excellent."

"No unexpected alterations?" Zeeva pointed out, "Are you looking for any EXPECTED alterations?"

"Yes, of course," she replied, "The more in tune the charm is with your soul, the longer it will serve its purpose. And it is coming along very nicely, I must say."

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