Chapter 1 - The Anomaly

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In a distant world, atop a large rock formation, in the middle of a vast jungle, far from the bustle of cities, was a small outpost. It was neither a military complex, nor a sanctuary of leisure, but a settlement made for scholars. Its singular purpose was to house those who studied the anomaly, a most curious phenomenon in which that world was located.

Of course, this phenomenon was much, much larger than that tiny little world, it was larger than all the worlds and all the stars put together. This was due to the fact that the anomaly was reality itself, or rather the reality contained within that particular realm of existence. There were scholars studying each and every realm, but that one baffled them all. It was unique, with very unusual characteristics. While other realms were smooth and harmonious, that one was quite erratic and unpredictable. This was why they called it an anomaly at first, instead of giving it a proper name.

Now, as bewildered as the scholar community was with the appearance of this anomaly, when sentient beings began to emerge within it... that was when it truly caught everyone's attention. Even the empress, far away, in her pompous palace, at the center of the empyreum, had learned of it. That small outpost, just as others like it, was quickly filled to capacity, with several expansions underway. Those outposts were all built in specific locations, where the flow of ether was especially intense. Every scholar worth their light wanted to take a closer look at the ethereal readings and try making sense of them... though none had succeeded.

Regardless, it was an exciting time to be a scholar to be sure, with many odd discoveries being made and many more just beyond the horizon. That is, until one fateful night... a night that shook the community to its very core... a vicious attack... a brutal murder of a bright young scholar. Imperial agents had come to investigate the incident, but it remained a mystery.

One night, a few days after the imperial agents had left, another shuttle arrived at the outpost. It was raining heavily, as it often did in the tropics, with wild lighting flashing through the black skies. The shuttle flew into the hangar, out of the storm, dripping wet and landed gently. Moments later, a single man came walking into the facility, as the doors closed behind him. He wore a beige and white set of leather armor, with metallic details, but no helmet. His bright blue irises were quite large, leaving little room for the whites of his eyes, and he had pointy ears, like those of an elf.

A young scholar was there to greet him, "Welcome to the Summit Outpost. Sir Fenli-Meifeln, of the Arcanaki Guild, I presume?"

"Yes, thank you, my friend," he replied, looking out a large window to the hangar and the storm beyond it, "What a downpour! Is it always like this here?"

"Most of the time, yes," the young man replied, "It has been raining nonstop for the past ten days now. So, how can I help you, sir?"

"I would like to speak with the one in charge of this place," Meifeln declared.

"That would be Grandmaster Kellek-Rin'Lenig," the young man informed him, "Right this way."

They walked past several labs, with scholars working hard on whatever they were studying, before arriving at a fancier looking office. Inside was another man with pointy ears and big irises.

"Grandmaster," said the young scholar,  "there is a Sir Fenli-Meifeln, of the Arcanaki, to see you, my Lord."

The Grandmaster looked up from his notes. "Another investigator?" he sighed, annoyed, "I have already told you people all I know, several times, I might add. It has been hard on us all as it is. What more do you want?"

"Forgive me, but you have not yet told me anything," Meifeln told him, with a smile, "I do not come in the empress' name, nor do I serve the Muiran Order. I am conducting an independent inquiry on behalf of the Arcanaki Guild itself."

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