Time Husbands

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Based on fanart above

Loki sighed to themself. They're so tired, so lonely. They looked upon the only man who has given them happiness in a long time yet they still felt lonely.

But the man? He looked so happy. His little children running around together playing whilst he picks up their toys joining them sometimes.

All Loki wanted to do was walk over to him. Make him remember them, make him see them. But what was the point? They were just going to timeslip again and lose him all over again.

But they could watch. Imagine he was there with them, imagine things where the way they used to be but it felt so far out of reach that if they were to grab it they felt they'd fall off the edge.

They closed their eyes taking a deep breath. When they opened them they noticed the man looking at them. Their eyes went wide and they quickly hid behind a nearby tree.

Nice work dumbass. Just dive behind a tree, that doesn't make you look like a creepy stalker at all.

"Kid are you ok?" He called. Loki winced at being called a kid. That's going to make things awkward for themself.

They came out from behind the tree fixing their hair "hi" they gave a small wave "sorry about that I was just-" "I know you?" Loki raised their eyebrows taping their foot nervously "you came into my shop earlier didn't you?"

Loki internally sighed and screamed. They're a complicated person. "Yes I did!" "You were looking for ATVS?" "The TVA?" Loki doesn't know why they'd bother he clearly doesn't remember him. "Right... Would you like a drink?" He pointed to his house "it's been quiet since the wife died and I would kill to talk to someone who isn't 5"

Loki smiled nodding. Mobius beamed walking the stranger into his house. Loki could have been anyone? Loki could have been a murderer? Loki was a murder and he just invited him into his house. But Loki isn't shocked. Mobius always knows who to trust he's good like that.

Mobius handed Loki a can of Budweiser. And they sat down at the kitchen island. Loki inspected the drink shortly. Certainly not enough to make it obvious before popping it open.

Loki gulps half the can down before Mobius even brings his to his mouth. "I needed that" they put their can down while Mobius bites back a laugh. He drinks his and follows suit with the odd person.

"If you don't mind me asking but what happened to your wife?" Mobius rubs his knuckles. Clearly it's a sensitive subject.

Stupid Loki, stupid Loki, stup- "I'm not quite sure. She sort of just turned to dust but it seems like half the population did aswell"

Loki kept there eyes glued to the can. They inderectly caused the death of Mobius wife. If Loki had of something different- well they probably would have been reset but that's besides point.

"Who did you loose?" His voice was so gentle and the fucker is still just as good at reading Loki as he was when he was a time agent. "To the dust? No-one? But fuck I've lost a lot"

There was a bit of silence before Mobius asked "Why where you outside my house?" Shit, fuck lie. Lying is your thing!

"Oh I umm. My- well- he was everything to me and he lives here. Well used too. He's gone now, so close yet just out of reach" sure or bend the truth that works aswell I guess.

"I'm sorry for your lose" Loki chocked back a laugh "he's not dead. He's just gone. He doesn't remember and he's gone and started a life with a wife and kids" "why don't you tell him? Make him remember?"

"I can't, it'll hurt him. I'd hate to ruin his perfect life here" Mobius smiled in understanding "I think you deserve to be happy aswell" fuck me. No literally fuck me please.

"Thank you... Sorry whats your name?" This felt like such a weird question to ask but they did anyway "Don"

It happened again. They timeslipped again. They felt like crying. All they wanted to do was cry but they couldn't. That's weak.

But then they recognised something through blury eyes. They where back on the road. Back facing Mobius or Don's house they only difference was that it was dark and the front garden was a lot cleaner.

Loki could hear humming from inside. It didn't sound like Mobius though. Curiousity getting the best of Loki as always they decided to peak through the window.

That's when they saw it. Mobius or Don reading a book while a slightly board women sits behind him humming to herself. She was wearing all black and had sunglasses on for some reason whilst Mobius was wearing lighter tones as per usual.

That's when it dawned on Loki. This women. The person that they can only assume is Dons wife is them. They where married to Mobius in this timeline.

Loki collapsed onto the ground as their tears started coming up but they couldn't explain why? Was it that they where happy? Jealous? They didn't know.

Just then they felt someone sit beside them. They quickly panicked scooting over but the figure just gently put their hand on their shoulder.

"Loki?" They asked. Loki finally looked up at her nodding. "Wow" she sounded shocked but kind of like it wasn't the biggest surprise of her day. "I remember this" "this happened to you?" She hummed.

"You'll get to be with him, in time. But it's hard sometimes. He's not the same he doesn't remember anything" "how long?" Loki sniffs "a long time" she hands them her glasses "Earth's greatest invention. Hides all emotions" Loki puts them on.

"So you know you're going to... You know?" "Die for 5 years? Yeah. I've already started preparing Don to take care of the kids" "this must be torture?" "It's not that bad once you get used to it. And on the plus side I have a beautiful family and I get to be with Mobius in some iteration. Hes still just as good as Mobius though"

"I want Mobius though. I want the man I share some of my happiest memories with. I must bring him back, I must control the timeslipping" "trust me even if you get what you want it won't make a difference" "I have to try. I believe I can change my faith"

The theory that keeps me sane is that Mobius wife is fem presenting Loki so I had to add that in whilst destroying earth 1130 or TVA Loki ☺️👍

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