chapter diez

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(elisty's pov)

{new message from: lexi 👁️👅👁️}

lexi 👁️👅👁️: you don't actually care do you?

                                                                                    awww you read me so well :me

lexi 👁️👅👁️: but why don't you care?

                                                                              I knew it was going to happen :me

lexi 👁️👅👁️: how??????

                                                                            when will you learn; I know all :me

(Tims pov)

"well so uhmm"

"I guess we are a thing now?"

"I guess"


and then we sat there for a few mins Alex was looking at the walls and other things in the room and my eyes where stuck on the floor both of us red in the face (y'all I swear I named Alex before I watched Hamilton 😭) 

(alexs pov)

OH MY GOD whAt JUST HAPPENd there's a million thoughts running through my head rn then they all go quiet when I feel pressure on my shoulder. its Tim and he is laying on my shoulder



what do I do vykutyuYRCUTBUDSUYANDISUDIOWAD "sorry" I turn my head to see Tim retreating from his spot "for what?" I respond "there's nothing to be sorry for"

"I made you lose your girlfriend"

"im the one that kissed you"

"you wherent thinking, you were scared"

"I'm not scared now"

"what are you impli-MHPF"

he seems shocked at first but then he leaned into the kiss but he still seems hesitant so I reposition on the was on siting so my body is facing him and my hand is on his cheek and he tangles his hand in my hair

Lexi walks in

"hey sorry to leave y'all like that but I got coffee and pizza as a peace offe-OH-"

me and Tim pulls away fast and look to see Lexi with one black coffee and one coffee with a lot of cream (no) and 5 sugars and meat lovers pizza (N O) "seems you where busy" she says trying to slowly walk away "NOT TO BUSY FOR PIZZA!" Tim yells running at Lexi "or coffee" I add grabbing my black coffee 

(word count:317)


I know its short I'm srry

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