capturee no in german (chapter 9)

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i just got word that my grammer and speling is bad (you know who you are) but anyway lez go

(bobbys POV)

i didnt expect them to actually kiss but they did and now they are avoiding eachother



its hard for them to hide being that they live in the same dorm and the best part is that live with lexi and elisty (the gf's) this would be funny if the gays would stop coming to me for advice every five seconds

knock knock knock


(Tims POV)

"WHY CANT YOU GAYS FIGURE THIS OUT BY YOURSELF" bob yelled before slaming the door in my face

was alex coming here for help too? guess he also didnt know what to do being that WE STILL HAVE OUR GIRLFRIENDS AND THEY DONT KNOW ANYTHING but I walk back to the dorm and I go right to my room and grab some ice cream out of my mini fridge (comment what y'all think the ice cream flavor is! ofc only if you want (: ) knock knock knock "who is it" I say with a bit of tone "you girlfriend" elisty says as she opens the door "what's gotcha down?" she says as she rubs my back "thats the complicated part" I say and look away "you can tell me anything"

(y'all know where this is going)

(alex pov)

"YOU DID WHAT? YOU CHEATING ASS BITCH" I hear a yell from Tim's room and I run over but a very pissed off elisty storms out and SMACK 

it seems I've been smacked but I ignore the sting and run to Tims room to find him crying and shaking on his bed with his ice cream tipped over on his bed so I rush over pick up the ice cream so it doesn't get the bed dirty than I offer Tim a hug and he just falls right into my arms and just then Lexi walks in "is everything ok? why was El so pissed?" 

"I'm not sure" I respond but I have a feeling I know EXACTLY what's going on (with writing this part congratulations from the Hamilton mixtapes just came on) I think it may be about the haunted house "go check on elisty I'll stay with Tim" I say knowing by saying that I've just lost my girlfriend but I wanna leave her on a good note so I reach out for her and kiss her hand "best of girlfriends and best of women" (don't tell on me plz) 

 and as she leaves I turn to Tim "you know she is gonna get told right" Tim says crying less "I know but that's not what I'm worried about" I turn back to Tim "did she get you?" I ask in a soft voice "no" he notices the red mark on my face "did she get you?" he asks as he puts his hand on where she slaped "thats not important, what's important is we have to figure out what we are" I say as he pulls away from the hug removing his hand from my face "that's the hard part you still have your girlfri-"

 almost as if planed Lexi burst into the room "I know what you did" she says some what calm "je ne sais pas de quoi tu parles" I respond monotone "I'm not mad but I want to help you two figure this out because honestly I ship it" (FUN FACT: when someone likes someone else they ship them with someone) as she says that Tim turns into a tomato man so I use this for fun so I scoot closer to the blushing Tim and walk my finger up his chest "it would be nice to have some help doncha think" as he turn even more red I boop him and then turn back to a very jealous lexi

"anyways what are you gays then?" I thinks she is a bit pissed "gay as fuck" Tim says and I just look at him shocked "the fuck did you just say? your the sunshine character you cant say fuck you too innocent" as I say that Tim pulls out his phone and pulls up his search history and he shows me "EW OK I NEVER NEEDED TO SEE THAT WHY THE GLASSES ONES EW" I scream at his search history  "the glasses never actually stay on or at least stay on correctly" he adds "alright y'all are dating now got it? got it okalrightbyeeeeee" Lexi says runing out of the room 

(word count :772)


life is fun and this is fun to write

bye for now :)

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