chapter tres- history hates lovers

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(Alex's POV)

me and Tim have a few classes together but only 3 or 4 i think right now we are in history class me and Tim sits on the other side of the room than me but he has seemed so distracted he hadn't been taking notes but instead he is drawing i sit higher up than him and can see his notebook but the part that concerns me is that Tim doesn't draw a lot he only draws when something is wrong like a kid going though an emo faze ( that is targeted )

(Tim's POV)

its hard to focus when Alex's words are still ringing in my head as i smile but it quickly faded when he hears a womans voice "Tim have you been paying attention at all?" it was the history teacher "then what did i just say" i always listen that includes when im doing somthing else "How many people were killed in the Salem Witch Trials and the answer is Twenty people were executed for suspicion of witchcraft usually by hang!ng, not burning at the stake, and five more died in jail." i said hoping that i got that right (idk if that is college level dont come at me) "good job Tim" she said as i let out a sigh of relif and just then the bell rang as i grab my stuff and feel a hand on my shoulder and i freeze trying to find out who it was i turn around and face him and almost punch him because of my reflexes but stop right in front of his face it was Bob he had learned how far my punch was so he wouldn't get hurt. "Missed" he said teasing you know "i cant control it" i say annoyed "seems like you can sense you freeze" he said "shut up"

(Alex's POV)

As the bell rang i saw Bob walk over to Tim and saw Tim freeze than almost punch him as i see them continue there conversation i can't help but feel... jealousy? No that can't be it it's probably just anger cus he stole my girl


(Word count : 359)
Another short chapter for today i am having a bit of trouble picking where this goes next so that's all for today no chapter tomorrow probably but i will try to have character designs for tomorrow thx and bye for now🤞✨

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