chapter cinco

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(Bob's POV)

"i think i like Alex" Tim said as my eyes shoot wide open he was gay? but the way he said it was as if he just figured that out but honestly drama so bet (dont ask Bob just talks like this)

(Tim's POV)

Bob try's and mostly fails to comfort me but it's the thought that counts he keeps saying things like " that Lexi girl looks rude anyway" it doesn't help much but At least he is trying still crying though lol

(Alex's POV)

I push Lexi away from her kissing me "WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT" i yell at her "cus we are dating" she says with a sly look on her face as she takes a step closer and i step back "take it slow we only just met up" i say unsure if i should just punch her (intrusive thoughts be like💀) but sadly she pulled me into class before i could smack her and ms genie started her lesson

(Lexi's POV)

As i drag Alex into class and i sit next to my best friend Elisty (el is de) i wonder if i went to far i probably didn't plus i will worse later but he doesn't need to know that so reader you better keep your mouth shut~

After school

(Alex's POV)
I see Tim and Bob walking out and Tim looks like he had been crying for a while so i walk up to him to try to help "hey you ok?" Ask him and he jumps away like he is on edge he is most of the time but not when people walk up to him like i know I'm tall and all (Alex is 6'4 , Tim is just below Alex's shoulder idk what height that is) but I'm not scary "ya I'm fine" Tim said but he is lying and is bad at hiding it this time he is a good lier but he only used his power to get extensions on school work or id he needs to hide something but i have gotten good at telling if he is lying although he doesn't lie much

So why did he now?

(Word count:351)

Sorry this chapter was late i was having writers block i will try to also get the next chapter out today but i might not be able to im very busy this week see you later🤞✨

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