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Megan knew how things had been lately. She felt as though there was too much that had happened.  Adam had turned her mum against her. And she had no idea how to cope with it all.

She felt as though she was alone. Knowing how Rachel wasn't talking to her. She knew she had her sister. But a girl needed her mum. And Megan felt like Rachel didn't want to know. Not now she had Adam.

It was hard for her to think that Rachel had turned against her. Especially when she was being honest with how Adam had treated her. She didn't know how to cope with it all.

She had Leigh . She knew that. But she knew part of her wanted her mum too. She couldn't be around Rachel while she had been blinkered by Adam and the fake act he put on for people.

It drove her mad to think about. Especially as she felt like she was the only one who saw Adam for what he was. A monster.

All she knew was that things needed to change. And she had no idea how to deal with that. She just needed to fix it all.

Morning came and she walked into the living room. Leigh was there with Max. Megan sat down and sighed. "My head hurts," she mumbled.

Leigh smiled. "Have you eaten?"

"No. I've only just come down. Unless I had something in my sleep," Megan joked. She looked to her sister and smiled. "I'm just... I don't know."

Leigh looked to her. She nodded. "Have some toast babes. You need to keep your strength up. I know it's not easy. But you need to be strong," she told her.

Megan knew how she found it hard. But she just had to somehow hope she could be okay. Despite all the odds stacked against her.

Max looked up. "Well I've had a text. Adam is back in work today. His course went well and they're saying he's more than qualified for the job."

Megan paled. She shook her head. "No. What?"

"It's going to be okay. Lunchtime, I'll meet you and you can come down for lunch with me," Max told her.

Megan went into school. Her anxiety was acting up. She saw Adam standing with her mum and frowned. Leigh took her hand. "Hey. It's okay. I promise you," she said.

"I'm so scared of him. And I shouldn't be. But I am," Megan mumbled. She wiped the tears away and sighed. "Why does one man have the power to ruin my life?"

"It's because you let him get to you hun. You're amazing. He's just jealous that no one would let him get them pregnant. Okay?"


Megan sat in the common room. She had skipped her lesson knowing she didn't want to be there. She looked up as Adam walked in. "You think you're clever don't you? You're a toxic little bitch," Adam said as he walked over to her.

Megan stood and backed away. She felt sick as she saw Adam undoing his belt. She shook her head. "No... don't touch me!" She screamed.

"I'm going to make you pay for all you've done," Adam said as he walked towards her. But would anyone stop him in time?

Secrets of abuse *waterloo road*Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum