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Thus he had told: "I have seen what my eyes had never laid upon...from the trenches of the North to the wide plains of the South." From the Holy River of the East to the Wildering Paths of Far West wondered thee...but his heart flows forever on his homeland, the West.

- From the 'Records of Historian Caesarus'

In the Green Lands not far from the long stretch of a river that connects to the lakes of the East, was a wizard untroubled of the world around him and delighted with life. He wasn't very much aware how much the world around him had already changed, but since he enjoyed his life in these lush, green bulges of grass around him, he pretty much accepted a peaceful life above all else.

The green lands with its flowers ever blooming courteously basking in the morning sun and moon at night, and its friendly plants and leaves swaying to the ever-changing course of the wind had attracted even the smallest and most nurtured of animals. With the flowers' nectars and syrups extracted by bees and flies that buzzed around, to the sheep and cattle that eats the green fields over at the distant of the valley. Their fresh, pure, and surreal milk, and their tenderized whole-hearted meats fulfilled the life of this wizard on his homely home atop the valley beside an apple tree, which sprung no fruit nor flower.

His home was made of wood from the beech tree that always sprang in the north side of the valley; its coating was of brown. In the morning, when the moon fell under the lands, the house shone as bright as sunlight when the sun had reflected the brown varnish, he laid on the surface of the beech wood. His door and windows were all the same. The door was made of mahogany and much, much darker than the beech tree for its natural color. The windows were made of beech wood attached to a square-shaped support made of thin glass layered with bronze metal as its frames to hold it very much intact indeed.

As to the interior of his abode, as soon as you enter his homely home, at the first wall on the left, were hanging pegs, seven of them! Seven pegs for seven dresses to be hanged! At the left, opposite of the pegs were a small hall where his wooden couch opposite of his hearth was properly placed. It was made of varnished mahogany wood with a soft cushion from the sheep's pelts that he purchased from Koldiak. And that his hearth was filled with fire logs that he also bought in that same town.

You may have noticed that even though there were (as we presumed) a lot of sheep and cattle for pelts in the valley, he still purchased from the town all the things that he needed.

You may wonder how he got his pocket to the brim to buy all the things he needed. He was an adventurer you see, and every adventure he was in, had had money in exchange. Especially if you had brought items from things that you had gathered from your adventure. Say, a goblins' ear or its head, would pay a lot of gold and silver coins. Gathering herbs and other medicinal plants would give you rather handful of bronze coins. And when you had completed a hunt, a bag of gold and silver coins awaits your very pockets.

There were chickens scattered and running about the valley and they lay eggs everywhere they go, in any of the houses, on the roofs, even on the pedestals of their windows where birds or bees gathered most. He let those chickens lay on the back of his home, where a lot of feathered nests was there still intact for the birds of the North when they migrate, but for it was the ending of the summer, the chickens were free to lay their eggs.

Every time and moment, the eggs were lay there by the chickens and left to crack. Some of these eggs he sold to Koldiak, the nearest town where he lives. Some of it he would eat and store for himself. In the morning when he wakes; in the afternoon as he ate. In his teatime; and in the evening, when he could smell their odor afoul the wind.

As we go back around his warmly home, just on the back of his small hall were his kitchen, full of cooking utensils you could think about; pots, spoons, scooper, spatula, a cutter, a whole bunch of knives for a whole bunch of needs, and pots and pots under and over his counter! And underneath the kitchen!

Just around back a little further with stairs going down made of wood, was his food storage full of supplies of different kinds and types of food, wine, clean water, meat from the market in Koldiak, eggs from the chickens that roam around their valley (eventually, when he got tired of chasing them, he made their fences and lay eggs there). Dried meats and fish from the river down south; smoked meats of cow and buffalo were there stored and prepared. All kinds of edible and fresh stuff!

There were cheese and milk, saffron, bay leaves, onions...garlic...vinegar and soy sauce. And all the condiments available in Koldiak he had in his storage full for he always ate good food every hour of his life. Surprisingly he wasn't tubby at all!

Opposite of his kitchen were his bathroom, not much to say other than it was clean and tidy. He had a soft spot for soaps and hair soaps made from different fragrances and crystalline salts (whatever that was). The other side of the bathroom just after the wall with the pegs was a stair upward leading to two more rooms. The first room was a storage room. His hat was there, placed on the corner of a chair circling the small wooden brown table. The hat was grey of color, not very pointy but a little flat on the top, with a round corners lengthy than his head. It was soft and had this distinct silky nature and texture. It had golden markings around it with a mark of a helix-like structure.

Beside the hat was his staff. It was dark of color, made of wood. A staff made from the branches of a Darkwood. The handle was around five feet in length and three inches broad. At the top of the handle was a helix-like intertwining, spiraling series of roots around a white, crystal-like gemstone with similarities to a diamond. The gemstone was on top of a wooden arc holding it firmly and securely not be able to be thrown away (if in any case that would happen) and that it was held tight by the Darkwood's thin layers of twigs that surrounds it.

The second room, however was his bedroom where he sleeps soundly when the night comes. He sleeps here very, very, comfortably after he ate, or after a good day's work (at his couch, of course) and when he finished tending to his chickens, which happens only twice a week. On this room was his bed made of wood and his mattress was made from the furs of the sheep and other animals available in the market (his neighbors don't want to give him anything because they never knew the man personally, as was him as their neighbor).

His bed clothing was from cotton and his bed was lengthy enough for his body to stretch as far as his bones and muscles could. Beside the bed, just way over the corner of the door was his dress storage. There he put his dresses and shirts he had on his possession, which includes his robe which was of blue. It wasn't the most extravagant robe but it kept him warm during the winter season in the valley (not snowing but of cold weather).

The robe was five feet in length and had a golden-colored belt around the waist. When our wizard wears it, the robe doesn't touch the floor but it went down under the knee and not too low on the feet. The sleeves were wide on the end side where the hands were shown, and going further, comes narrow at the shoulder. The neckline of the robe was a V-shaped and could be closed using the pin attached on the right side of the robe. The wizard wears it for travel, especially on long journeys. The robe wasn't just a wear piece or an apparel apparently, but it forms like an armor for wizards. It could deflect (if a magic caster points at the body where the robe was) any low, simple magic of any kind. And could give our wizard some quick moment to react against who would do that (or not, if it was accidental).

No one in the valley was sure where the wizard came from but it was told from their mouths that he was young looking, maybe around twenty-three or twenty-four years old. His skin was brown-white. His hair was black, short, and wavy at the end strands but when sunlight casts on his hair, it reflects its brownish properties. His eyes were brown with a tint of black. His ears were human and of normal size. His nose were a combination of a hawk and button shaped noses. Wasn't big, nor was small, never flat but had edges on either side. His lips were heavy upward and full. Nobody really knows his real name but whenever he went to the market at Koldiak, he was always called the same name - Agàlor. That was this wizard's name.

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