Chapter 6 - Katsuki's Pov

Start from the beginning

“ Just wake up. ” I pleaded. He just grunted in response, “ don't make me go get water. ” I said trying to cover my laugh, I felt something tug at my leg, and saw Sophia sitting next to me. Izuku still didn't get up, so I got the idea to use Sophia to wake up her father. I lifted Sophia from the ground and placed her on a sleeping Izuku's back. “ Get off of me Katsuki. ” He said.  “ I'm not on you Izuku, ” I said back. “ Stop fucking around, get off of me. ” He replied with an attitude. “ That would be your daughter you feel on you, ”  I said with a laugh. He slowly got up trying not to harm Sophia in any way.

“ Ah good morning, glad you could join us. I made breakfast. It's on the table, if you need to use the bathroom, it's in my room. There should be extra stuff under the sink, feel free to use it. ” I said, walking over to him, grabbing Sophia and putting her back on the ground, allowing her to have fun doing whatever. I made my way to the kitchen grabbing condiments from the fridge in case Izuku wanted them with his breakfast.

I walked back to the living room to see no Izuku but I did see Sophia going through my blanket basket. I walked to the couch and began putting away the blankets and pillows I used. I was walking to my room, with the pillows, when I heard Izuku call out, “ Katsuki! ”

“ Yes, ” I replied.  “ Do you happen to have anything that would fit me? ” He yelled through the door. “ Let me look, ” I replied, walking into my closet.

I know I have some large shirts but pants, I don't know. I dig through my closet finding some large sweatpants, I think these can work, and an oversized black tee shirt and. I walked out of my now messy closet and knocked on the bathroom door. The door flew open and there stood Izuku. I handed him the pile of clothes,  “ if anything doesn't fit, just tell me, I'll take it again. ” I said. “ Thanks. ” He said in reply, closing the door again.

I walked out of my room, to see Sophia now in the blanket basket, with the blankets all around her. I laughed, not forgetting to snap a photo on my phone. I walked over to her and picked her up and walked to the dining table. I sat down in front of her plate feeding her her food. She was almost done when Izuku walked out of my room. His hair was wet and he smelled like my body wash. He was wearing the clothes which fit him. I mentally prided myself, in the fact that I had those.

“ Hey, where did you get clothes my size. ” He asked, “ Oh my bestfriend, likes to wear her older brother's clothes, so I guess she accidentally left them here or something. ”  I shrugged, I don't know where I got those.

“ Oh. " was his reply. Wait, why did he even care? I shrugged it off. He began walking to the dining table sitting down in front of his plate. Sophia was still finishing her last bites. I have yet to even touch my food, but it's fine. Once Sophia finished, I placed her on the floor and let her roam around. I grabbed my plate and began to eat. And let me say, I think I did a good job.

“ Have you thought about my job offer? ” He asked. I didn't want to tell him that I accepted, but since he asked, I might as well tell him. “ I have, I accept it, ” I said with a small smile and continued eating.

I heard him let out a breath of relief. Did he seriously need me that bad?  “ Thank God, when can you start. ” He asked, now he had a smile on his face. “ Well today I have work, but whenever you need me, ” I replied. “ About the bakery, Sophia needs your full attention.... every day. So if you work for me, you are going to have to quit. ” He said. I expected that, but at this point, it sunk in, I'm going to have to quit. I felt my face drop, I've been working there for two years, and have made really good memories there. “ When do you want me to quit, ” I asked now looking into his eyes. “ Today would be wonderful. ” He said with a smile. Is this asshole fucking smiling? “ Okay, ” I replied dryly. I cannot believe I'm quitting my job....for a cartel leader. My head dropped back down to see my half eaten plate. I just picked it up along with Sophia's and walked back into the kitchen. I scraped the leftovers in the garbage and brought our plates to the sink. Over the last few days, I haven't done dishes, so I began doing them.

I had only a few plates left to clean when Izuku walked in, his plate was now empty, I just walked over to him grabbing it, set it down and got to the rest of the dishes. But he didn't leave, he just stood there.

“ Can I help you? ” I asked, looking up at him. “ No. ” He replied, still standing there staring at me. What the hell is he doing? I just continued doing the dishes, weird I thought. Once I had finished I looked over and saw him still there.  “ Well if you're here, can you help me dry these, ” I asked. “ I guess so. ” He said it like he didn't, but I don't care, I just cooked him breakfast and cleaned his plate, the least he can do is dry some dishes.

“ Hey, about this job, I have you as Sophia's nanny. It makes more sense for you to live with her, so you can attend to her needs twenty four seven . ”  He said. “ Can I think about it? Maybe I can meet after I get off of work and discuss everything. ” I said. I knew what being Sophia's nanny meant, but moving in with him? That's a little too far.

After that, we dried the dishes in silence. I looked at the clock and saw my shift starts in half an hour. I had just finished drying the dishes and putting them away. Izuku had given up ten minutes ago. I walked out to the living room, to see Izuku laying on the floor, asleep, with Sophia in his arms also asleep. I just began to pick up the mess Sophia made when crawling around.

I had just picked up all the blankets, and pillows on the floor. I have twenty minutes now, I went to my room grabbing everything I needed and put it in my purse, I brushed my teeth once again, and put on my shoes . I walked out of my room to see Izuku and Sophia still asleep. I just got out a piece of paper, a pen and wrote a note for when they got up.

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