"Cylinder." X-ray laughed. Zigzag thought for a moment before deciding, "All of 'em." I rolled my eyes. "Nope, that don't count, you have to pick one."

"Fine, a sphere." I nodded, pleased. "Magnet?"
"A cube, they remind me of cages that they keep puppies in." He frowned slightly, and I patted him on the arm. "What d'you think it is Ladybird?"

"A cone. They're so unnecessary." "What about ice-cream cones?" Zig wondered. "Ew, they're gross. I don't like wafers and stuff."

They all looked disgusted, as if I just put a curse on their families. I shrugged and carried on eating. Suddenly a sharp pang of pain hit me in the stomach, and my bones felt all wrong in my skin. Great.

The dull pain lingered in my stomach until after dinner and when I went to the bathroom before going back to the Wreck room I saw the culprit.

Luckily I made Blondie wait outside the bathroom a pad at the ready. After I sorted that out, I slowly made my way back to the lumpy couch.

I gave up sitting there bored, and decided to watch static with Zigzag. "Hey," he greeted, not taking his eyes off of the pixelated screen. "What's on?" I asked him. "Some old film. I think it's an Elvis one."

My eyes adjusted to the screen and 'Jailhouse Rock' was on. "Awk, it's Jailhouse Rock! I love this film. Blondie, c'mere." Tay, Zig and I were smushed next to each other our eyes not leaving the screen. Blondie and I sang when our favourite songs came on and when it got to the end of the film I began to cry.

Brilliant, just fantastic. I haven't cried in nearly two weeks and now I'm sobbing over Elvis. "Are you okay?" The boy with wide eyes asked me cautiously. I nodded, but hot tears kept streaming down my sunburnt face. Now I'd started crying, I'd cry about everything.

"Y... Yeah, I'm good." I let out another sob. "I'm just..." Someone passed me my canteen, telling me to drink. My vision was blurry and everyone looked like they were underwater.

"Hey," Squid sat next to me, Blondie, who had her arm around me, and Zig had moved over slightly. "What's up?" I took a deep breath, trying to calm down, but I literally couldn't. He guided me out of the Wreck Room and to our tent, trying to wipe some of the tears from my face.

I sat on my bed, my legs crossed and he just sat next to me, silently. I hugged him and he held me back, smoothimg down my hair. Eventually after what felt like hours but was actually around fifteen minutes, I stopped crying.

"Sorry." I mumbled. "What'cha sorry for?" He let out a breathy laugh. "Making a big deal..." I shrugged. I let go and sat up to look at him. He reached up and cupped my face, his thumbs drying my face. I was positive my face was even redder. "It's fine. Are you okay?" I nodded.

"Yeah, I... I've erm just got a stomach ache, and I'm exhausted." He nodded, somewhat understanding. "You might as well go to sleep now, if you wanted. It's nearly lights out soon anyways."

"Okay.." I lay down, holding his hand. "D'you want me to stay here with you?" He asked. Yes. "I don't mind, it's up to you." Idiot. You should've said yeah. He said a small okay and nodded, leaving me alone in the tent.


I lay there staring at the floor, my cramps not easing. I kinda thought Squid would've stayed... Eventually I fell asleep, only waking once when the boys entered the tent. By then it was dark out and I was only half asleep.

The next day was practically hell on earth, even more so than usual. The warm air was unsettling and my stomach cramps made my whole body ache.

Seeing that I was uncomfortable, Squid carried my shovel for me. Armpit noticed, and obviously had to make a joke about it. I, already pissed off, said something snarky back. "What's up with you today? You on your period or somethin'?" He asked rudely.

"Yeah, actually I am. Fuck you." I snatched my shovel off of Squid, nuttering a small thank you and stormed off. Slightly dramatic, but oh well.

(writer speaks:

heyy, so I've been writing this for a few days and I'm so sorry it took a while to get finished. a majority of this was written at two in the morning, so my apologies for well most of it... anyways, I hope you're all doing well

-lils x )

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