Being Dallys Girlfriend Includes

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~Doing the nasty

~the gang adores you

~you become REALLY protective over Johnny

~Dally won't let you smoke

~he is very protective off you

~you visit him in prison

~you getting jealous off any girl looking at him

~taking showers together

~knowing damn well he loves you even though he doesn't say it

~you hating it when he gets into fights

~no lovey dovey affection in public

~him beating anyone up who looks at you the wrong way

~you wear his jackets all the time

~committing minor crimes together

~passionate kisses

~he calls you "doll" and "baby" alot

~he never outright says i love you he really does he just doesn't know how to express it

~your mum adores him but your dad absolutely hates him

~him forcing you to carry a switch blade around and showing you how to use it

~you join him at parties whenever you feel like it

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