The Underdwellers

Start from the beginning

"I had some things to take care of at work. A bit of medical research," Scarlet Witch lied, wanting to keep some privacy. She then changes the subject. "Care to tell me about the leprechaun you saw earlier tonight?"

Scarlet Witch's question managed to quiet Batman. The heroine smirked in victory. When Batman and Scarlet Witch arrive at their destination, the two exit the Batmobile.

The heroes enter an alley where Batman had seen the leprechaun to search for hidden passageways. Batman puts on his infrared goggles before examining the alley. Seconds later, the Dark Knight spots a passageway hidden in the brick wall.

"Find anything, Batman?" Scarlet Witch asked.

"I did," He responded. Batman removes the goggles and points at the brick wall. "Care to do the honors?"

The Scarlet Witch approaches the brick wall before her hands glow red as she says, "Falloon Quarca Daminigan."

The bricks shift to reveal a hidden passageway within the wall. Scarlet Witch lifts her hand before a ball of white light encases it. She and Batman walk into the secret entrance and explore the tunnel.

As the two venture into the tunnel, Batman and Scarlet Witch come across "Beware The Sewer King" written on the wall. Batman and Scarlet Witch continue walking before entering a subway tunnel. The two heroes walk along the pathway before finding a door with two large, red S and K written on it. Batman grabs the handle and tries to open the door, but it is locked.

"Deadbolt," Batman said before he took out his torch cutter from his utility belt. He turns it before using it to cut through the deadbolt.

After cutting through, Batman opens the door. The two heroes continue their search. Eventually, Batman trips an alarm made of cans connected to a string.

"You must be losing your touch," Scarlet Witch quipped.

A young boy wearing a green cloak runs past the heroes on the subway tracks. Batman and Scarlet Witch jump down and chase after the small boy.

"Wait!" Scarlet Witch called.

The boy ignored the Scarlet Witch. He crawls into a vent by the tracks. The two heroes are too big to fit through the vent. But being who they are, Batman and Scarlet Witch knew where to go.

The Batman and Scarlet Witch returned to the door with the large, red S and K. The two waited on the other side for the little boy to appear. Seconds later, the boy with his back facing the heroes closes the door. As the boy turns around, he bumps into Batman. The boy looks at the heroes in fear as he backs away.

"It's okay. We're not going to hurt you," Scarlet Witch calmly told the boy.

Suddenly, the boy falls onto the tracks as a horn is heard. A bright light appears from the dark tunnel. It was a train, and it was getting closer.

Scarlet Witch stretches her hand toward the boy and says, "Meus Manus Manus!"

The young boy suddenly levitates and flies toward the Scarlet Witch, nearly getting hit by the incoming train. Scarlet Witch holds the boy in her arms as she, Batman, and the boy watch the train pass.

"Get us out of here," Batman told Scarlet Witch.

Scarlet Witch nods before she says, "Abeo Exorior."

Red smoke swirls around the three before disappearing. Seconds later, the two heroes and the young boy reappear beside a trash barrel in an alley.

"Open," Batman spoke into the device on his wrist built into the glove before the trash barrel folded into the Batmobile. A disguise to protect it.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18 ⏰

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