Chapter 11: The Fall Physical

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Betty's hard feelings subsided after a night's sleep. She couldn't distance herself that long with her friends, even if they developed sudden opposing opinions. She wanted them back, So as she approached them the morning after, she welcomed herself solemnly. They didn't hesitate to accept as they were happy Betty was back again in their midst.

The four kept quiet all through herbology and charms, there wasn't much to talk, yesterday's conversation still occupied their minds. She knew they still didn't believe her, Mr. Zorppo, Mrs. Queenslady and the headmaster would probably be much harder to convince at this pace, It would take more than showing to convince, a facade works well if that's all you know.

But there were the other three, Maria knew, Ryan knew, they could easily see past it. If only her friends, the two teachers, the headmaster, the whole school, had all been there.

As Charms concluded, the C group quickly made themselves out of the class room for lunch, Betty could finally approach Pierre with the good news.

"I saw him!" Betty said enthusiastically.

"I know, Ryan told me everything, he didn't even flinch when he saw you guys I heard,"

"Yeah, Like we were like any other kid,"

"Seems like we're not a threat to him by the sounds of it,"

"Oh we will be" Betty said menacingly, "well just have to continue watching out for him,"

"He's probably headed for that door"

"Oh, I completely forgot about that!"

She couldn't avoid her smile as she noticed his chuckling from the comment, for a brief moment, it felt like they were back in the courtyard. Just out of the corner of Betty's eye stood a girl near the edge of the hall behind Pierre. She slowly made her way towards them, it was Camila.

"Looks like your friend is here,"

His face grimaced, "We'll talk later then," Pierre said.

Pierre caught up with Camila.

Pierre smiled back while Camila waved dismissively, they both walked out of sight.

Occupying Betty's mind was the thought when they'd meet again. Of course, there was the charm's homework, Maria would be thrilled but that, but this was an opportunity handed to them, they'll have to plan. It's now a matter of when.


"I'm told to drop you off at the cafeteria after this class, your history of magic, elective and defense against the dark arts teachers have been notified of your absences."

Feelings were mixed within C group. As most stared anxious at the transfiguration teacher, a small group stood immediately awaiting for what was to come, among the excited, some already wore proper attire, a thick leathery suit, padded on elbow, vital organs, all black trimmed with gold.

An eager Mrs. Jogerson stood at the entrance exit of the transfiguration classroom with her class.

"It's gonna take the whole day?" Paisley said.

"I'm not complaining," Betty responded. She'd completely forgotten about the occasion but missing classes was alright for her.

"Neither am I" Pearl added.

The C group followed Mrs. Jogerson in the halls towards the cafeteria, Betty and her friends stood closer to the back as usual to observe her classmates, Ryan walked confidently with two of his friend, both he and I of them were wearing the padded black and gold suits.

"Oh, I completely forgot Ryan was in the Elementa team," Gabrielle said, noticing him.

"The junior one specifically," Pearl added.

Betty Grimes and the Thermadore ThiefWhere stories live. Discover now