Chapter 4: Welcome to Thermadore

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"Betty," a hush voice murmurs beside her.

"Betty wake up" accompanying it, a warm hand on her shoulder.

Betty rises from her bed sheets. An eager Paddy close by her bedside, halfway in the veil covering Betty in her four-poster.

"What time is it?" Betty murmured.

"Half past six, come on," Paddy aided Betty out her bed, in her slippers and out the bedroom.

"I've given much lead time for you, you shouldn't be late for your first day of school."

Indeed it was her first day of school, the day she both was excited for and dreaded. Back to long study nights, strict schedules, mediocre food and forced contact with people she didn't like. At least her friends would be there for the ride.

Betty treated the morning like any other, little effort. Paddy treated it otherwise. Her behavior made it feel like it wasn't her first day but Paddy's.

Betty wished they could switch spots right now, Paddy can take the time to prepare for her first day while she gets an extra week break before going to Magical law in New Jersey, but law school sounds hard.

Paddy attended the table, across Betty as she ate her eggs and ham on the kitchen table, her gaze dreamlike.

"Could you stop looking at me like that? I'm not your boyfriend, Paddy"

"Oh! I'm sorry" paddy gazed somewhere else, her gaze still dreamlike.

"You really like the school don't you?" Betty remarked while stuffing her mouth with more scrambled eggs.

Paddy was even there for Betty's dressing. Ginetta was tasked to help Betty in her dressing room.

"Now please remember that knot for next time, I placed instructions in your trunk should you forget." Ginetta said while adjusting the necktie.

"Thank you," Betty reacted.

Ginetta then walked back and levitated a mirror in front of Betty.

Black box pleats, white knee socks, white button up shirts and a black tie.

"Don't forget the shoes and robe!" Ginetta said, giving the items to Betty.

Betty placed the black polished shoes on the floor. As she placed her feet in the shoes, the metal buckles wrapped around automatically and tightened the shoes until they were snug.

"I love them!" Betty reacted. She noticed she got a bit taller from them.

Betty then poured herself in the school robes. As expected, a snug fit. She began twisting her body while looking at the mirror, amused by the way it rose.

"Beautiful!" Ginetta remarked.

"Totally radical!" Paddy said, sitting on Betty's bedside.

"Well, looks like you're done, Betty!" Ginetta flicked her wand at the largest open trunk. It closed and immediately stood up next to the smaller ones near the bedroom door.

"Aren't you excited?" Paddy gave out a little cheer.

Betty nodded with a feeble smile. "Not as much as you, Paddy."

As Betty made her way downstairs to the family room, she noticed her mom crouching down to Thorny's level to adjust her own uniform.

Betty sat quietly at a nearby, looking at her mom and younger sister. Thorny's attire was similar to Betty's, black skirt, long socks and white button up shirt.

Instead black robes, Throny's was pale blue, the edges on the robes and collar, red. Instead of opening up like Betty's robes, it was tied up by a golden pin that looked like twigs twisted into a circular pattern.

Betty Grimes and the Thermadore ThiefWhere stories live. Discover now